Chapter 22 - Rescue Mission (Part 1)

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Marinette's POV

My eyes fluttered open and to my dismay I wasn't in my apartment anymore. I scanned the area to see that I was in a dark room, sitting on a chair with my hands and feet tied to it and my mouth gagged. I shifted a bit only to turn around to see Master to my left and Tim to my right, both still unconscious. I heard clacking on the ground as if someone was coming towards us.

"Ahh, my pretty little spotted bug is awake." That voice. The figure stepped into the light that shone above us and I saw Catwoman wearing two of the miraculouses. The tiger and the cat. "Oh don't worry, we won't play with them unless we need to." I glared at her. I felt a brief movement in the ropes that binded all of our hands to see Tim waking up not too long before Master did as well.

"Oh the others are up now too." I turned my head to the side to look at Tim who looked right back at me. "My, my. What do we have here?" That voice made goosebumps appear on my arms as I felt a shiver run down my spine. A sinister red-outline smirk was the first thing that I saw before a painted face and green hair. Joker in the flesh. "I got a call from Harleen saying you actually captured a Bat and the magic brats that put you guys in jail."

He squeezed my cheeks together and pulled my face closer to him. He simply grinned and went over to Tim. "Though..she never told me about the old man. Who's he?" Another voice came into the room. Damn, Penguin, Two-Face, Scarecrow and the Ice villains as well not to mention Harley and Ivy. It was a whole villain reunion. "He was the guy who had the magical ability who we tried to kidnap along with those priceless artefacts but this annoying little bug came in and ruined it all."

He then went over to the Master and examined him. In the corner of my eye, I notice something move only to see Icicle Junior making his way up to me. He removed the gag around my mouth and caressed my lips, his cold finger slowly numbing it. I pulled away from him only to see Tim giving him a death glare. "Aww, is she your girlfriend? What if I were to take her away from you."

I managed to gently caress his hand in the bindings and he looked at me, "Don't let him get to you. He's only trying to piss you off." Junior chuckled then grabbed Tim by his hair but before he could do anything a loud crash was heard near the building. "You three, go check it out. You four watch the hostages." Joker ordered. Penguin, Scarecrow and Killer Frost went downstairs while Junior, Mr. Freeze, Two-Face and Ivy stayed back with us while Harley, Catwoman and Captain Cold left with Joker elsewhere.

"Hurry and gag her mouth..-" "AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! HELPPPP!!!!!!!!" I yelled, almost bursting everyone's ears. Junior covered my mouth as Two-Face gagged me once again. I looked up and saw Jason or Red Hood on top of the roof only for him to slide down and leave. That's when another loud crash went off along with a bunch of screaming and yelling and after that there was silence.

The four who were watching us stood between us and the door waiting for the attack. It exploded moments later along with the roof as Batman, his sidekicks and my friends barged in. The Bats kept the villains busy while my friends untied us, removing our gags. "Thank God you're okay!" Luka exclaimed as he untied my legs while Kagami went to Tim and Chloe helped Master. Damian then rushed over and swiped his katana, cutting the ropes that tied our hands.

"I called the others and gave them our locations. They are on their way." Kagami informed me. I nodded then said, "I'm going after Catwoman and to find Tikki and the miracle box." Tim held my hand but I briefly pecked his cheek, "Sorry, but I suggest you stay with your family," He frowned as he buckled in his utility belts around his chest. "Chloe, Kagami, Luka, Let's go. Master.." He smiled and nodded. "Follow me. They went this way." I ran off in the direction I remember them going as they followed behind me.

Third Person's POV

Marinette, Master Fu and the others made their way to one of the higher floors by running up the stairs. They heard soft footsteps on the 12th floor so they halted in front of the door. "Alright, be on your guard, they could be waiting for us." Marinette placed her hand on the doorknob but they all spun around after hearing crackling behind them. It was Harley. They all dodged her swinging mallet as she rushed towards Kagami and Chloe.

"Go on ahead, we'll catch up with you!" Kagami reassured them. Marinette opened the door and barged in. They made our way inside but the passage was blocked with ice. "My turn to have the catch of the day." a low voice chuckled behind them. Captain Cold. The three all ducked then slid beneath him. "Mari, Master, go get the other miraculouses. I can buy you guys time with him. Trust me." Luka volunteered.

Marinette and Master Fu ran away and found a vent near a corner on the floor. They got in and crawled through the vents. They climbed up all the way to the top and that's when they overheard two familiar voices. "Do you really think that this plan of yours will work?" Catwoman. She asked in a doubtful tone as Joker cackled, "It will. With these powers, we could rule the entire world." They watched him but Marinette's eyes widened as he held Tikki and the earrings tightly in his hands while the others crowded in the corner.

The miracle box was in sight as Catwoman tried on all the jewellery. Marinette turned to Master Fu and whispered, "I need to get Plagg and Tikki back along with the miracle box as well as the remaining miraculouses that Catwoman hasn't tried on yet." He nodded. "While you do that, I'll try to get Wazz and the miraculouses that belong to Luka, Kagami and Chloe." They agreed and waited for the perfect moment.

"Now!" Marinette kicked the vent open as Master Fu grabbed the miracle box and managed to get Sass and Pollen whose miraculous Catwoman was about to try on. Catwoman didn't see Marinette coming and as a result, she didn't have time to react. She pinned her to the ground and managed to grab Plagg and Roarr's miraculouses out of her hands, but as Marinette tried to grab Longg as Master Fu with Wazz, a bullet was fired and shot Marinette's left shoulder as she fell to the ground.

"Mari..!-" "Don't worry about me, go! I'll be fine! Get out of Here Master!!" He hesitated but ultimately ran straight for the window and jumped out. The Joker slowly strolled up to her while spinning his gun around his finger then facing it at Marinette. "Bold move of you, little girl. But you're spoiling my plans." Marinette groaned with a grin, "If you wanted to fight Batman then y-you're free to do so.."

He stepped on her wrist as she winced in pain. Catwoman intervened. "If you had forgotten, a hostage situation works best if the hostage is alive. You already got her hurt so that's enough." He heavily sighed then pushed her away walking straight up to the kwamis. "If any of you try something, then I will kill the girl." Tikki had tears in her eyes as she saw Marinette in pain on the ground. After that, the kwamis remained silent.


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