Chapter 24 - The Decision

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Third Person's POV

"Thanks again Batman, and you too miraculous group. We'll take it from here." The commissioner thanked them then left with the other cop cars. Jason pulled Chloe aside and said, "They mentioned twice that you guys would be leaving. What are they talking about?" She looked away then muttered out, "W-We..need to go-o back home s-so uhh...that means we need to le-eave.."

"When were you going to tell me?" He asked with anger yet sadness in his eyes. "Jay, allow me to explain." They both turned to see Marinette behind them. "If you remember from a while ago, back in the cave, I mentioned a timestream. This isn't our world Jay so we need to go back." Jason looked over at Tim and asked, "Did you know about this?" "I did. I just...didn't know when they'd have to go."

Jason stormed off and stood by himself in a corner. Marinette comforted Chloe while Tim went to see Jason. Both brothers had the same looks in their eyes. "Mari, Chloe, Master's ready!" Alya called. "Mari.." Chloe mumbled. "I...want to stay here." Her eyes widened at her sudden revelation. "But, your parents.." "I know. But daddy just used to spoil me rotten and mom..never really cared."

They walked over to where the others who were gathering and as all of them were accounted for, Master Fu began the ritual using the miraculouses and the Ladybug and Cat miraculous combined. A rift of swirling colours danced around and around while it got bigger and on the other side of that blinding light, they saw the Eiffel Tower and posters of Ladybug and Cat Noir.

Everyone went in after Alya and Nino ending with Kagami and Luka but they all paused and turned around after they heard Chloe blurt out, "I WANT TO STAY!!" Everyone looked stunned but Master Fu smiled and nodded. Chloe heavily sighed and ran up to Jason. "I want to stay with you Jay and make a new name for myself. I'm not going anywhere." Jason was in disbelief as tears streamed down her face.

All that was left...was Marinette. She stopped at the rim of the portal and froze in thought. She clenched her fists tightly and turned around to look at Tim who looked straight back at her with saddened eyes. She looked back at Master then opened her yo-yo revealing an envelope along with a flashdrive, handing both to him. "Make sure these get to Maman and Papa, please." she mumbled with tears forming in her eyes.

Master Fu nodded. Marinette bent down to hug the Master as they whispered, "Don't worry, I'll make sure they receive these." Marinette softly sobbed, " Take care, Master." "You too, Marinette." She ran into the portal and hugged Alya, Kagami and Luka as Chloe and the others joined in to make one big group hug. They pulled apart as Marinette handed the miracle box to Luka and Kagami.

Marinette: I'm leaving this in your hands. I know you'll both be amazing Guardians.

Luka: You were a one-in-a-million, Nettie. You are and will always be the best Ladybugs there ever were. Not to mention Guardian.

Marinette: Don't flatter me. I know you'll be okay. Keep an eye on my parents for me.

Kagami: Will do. We'll make you proud.

Alya: We all will.

Luka: And Queenie, behave yourself.

Chloe: Pfft. You know me better than that, Viper.

Luka patted Marinette's head, "We'll see each other again. I can feel it." Marinette giggled while wiping her tears, "Sass' influence rubbed off on you. But I can't wait." She de-transformed and handed Tikki to Master Fu only for him to push it away. "You and Tikki don't need to part. Neither does Pollen and Chloe. You are free to keep your kwamis with you if you wish." Chloe hugged Pollen while Marinette looked down at Plagg.

"Plagg, would you like to stay here with me, or go back to Adrien? It's your decision." Marinette asked. Plagg turned to Tikki and Pollen then looked back at Master Fu. "I think...I'll go back to my kitten. He owes me about 3 years worth of Camembert." He sat in Marinette's hand while she petted him. "Tell Adrien I said hi, and that I'm sorry." He nodded and flew off to the portal.

Both Chloe and Marinette waved to the others right up to the point when the rift closed. Chloe went back to Jason's side and they shared a tight hug. Tikki hugged her holder's cheek, "Are you sure about this, Marinette?" Marinette smiled, "I think Marinette and Ladybug need a change of perspective." Tim gently rested his hand on her shoulder. "Are you positively sure you want this, cupcake?"

She placed her hand on top of his, "Mhm. I want to stay and see what Gotham has to offer." She cupped one of his cheeks while their foreheads met. "Man, I wish Barbara was here." Dick commented. Damian gagged, "I want to go home." "Alright, let's all go home. I'll tell Alfred to set up your rooms for you." Bruce said. "Ehh, my queen and I can just shar..-" "Now you behave yourself, Jay." Marinette warned playfully.

"Let's all get going now." Bruce led them back to the Batmobile and they drove back to the cave.

Chloe's POV

Mari and I moved some of our things from our old apartments and brought them over to the Wayne Manor and in less than a week we were situated. We got to meet his other 'sidekicks' like Steph and Cassie and Duke. They were all really nice and fun to be around. More weeks had passed and Mari and I were trying to figure out what to do with the coffee shop.

"Why don't you just turn it into another MLB Design Studio?" Chloe suggested. Marinette sighed, "But the styles and fashion here are so...different. It's like when we were back in Paris." "Uhh, what is 'MLB' exactly?" Stephanie asked. "Oh it's Mari's initials and a little name she gave herself when she was a fashion designer back in Paris." Chloe explained. Cassandra grinned, "How'd you manage to get this one, Tim?"

Tim blushed and sat behind Marinette, hugging her around her neck. "I didn't do anything." Marinette and Chloe laughed as Jason joined them in the room. "So, have you two decided yet?" he asked. "Nope!" Stephanie answered for them. "I say that fashion idea was a pretty good one. I say go for it." Tim encouraged his girlfriend. "Sigh, alright. Looks like I'll need to get to work. I'm a bit rusty afterall." "Good luck, spots." Cassandra said as she and Tim left the room.


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