Chapter 23 - Rescue Mission (Part 2)

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Tim's POV

We were holding up against the four villains but we all saw something fall in the corner of our eyes. Dick jumped out the window with his grappling hook and got back up with the Guardian. Moments later the door flew open and Kagami, Luka and Chloe barged in taking the villains by surprise. "Master, why were you falling out the window!?" Kagami questioned. He didn't answer and just walked up to them.

"Luka, Chloe transform. We need to hurry back to save Marinette. She's been hurt very badly." That made my heart stop. How much hurt could he be talking about? "Alright then. Since I'm technically second in command, Kaalki.." Kagami began taking out a pair of glasses and handing them to demon. "I have a special mission for you both." Demon folded his arms. "That is?"

Kagami explained, "I need you to teleport with Kaalki, but not transform. Kaalki, take the remaining miraculouses from the miracle box and deliver it to them." Demon nodded and placed the glasses on his face. "Good luck and tell them to hurry on over." Kaalki nodded, then said, "Voyage!" and with that they were gone. "Phew, hopefully by the end of the day, Mari could fix all the catastrophes caused by that kwami."

"Luka, Chloe, go save Marinette." "What about..-" I started but Kagami cut me off, "Tim...keep your emotions in check when you help them bring Mari back. We don't need any more injuries." I nodded while I was technically smiling on the inside. "While you guys deal with them, we'll finish off down here and prevent them from joining you guys upstairs. Be careful." We left through the door and ran up the stairs to find Mari.

We found Harley tied up on the ground along with Cold as well so we passed them straight and continued all the way up to Joker. We arrived at the 15th floor but no one was there. All that was left were two chairs...and blood. We found a door to the end of the corridor that had stairs leading up to the roof. "We all know that this could very well be a trap if they are beyond this door. Get ready for anything."

Luka kicked open the door but we all froze upon seeing the Joker holding Marinette by her throat over the edge of the roof with a shot wound in her shoulder. "Finally. My arm was getting tired of holding her up but seeing as you are here now, I guess you could witness her demise." Joker widely smirked and just like that, he let her go. "MAARRRIIII!!!" I was about to rush after her but Luka held me back.

"Calm down, remember what Kagami said..-" "I could care less! Mari just fell off the roof of this damn building and you didn't even try to save her!!" Joker cackled while clapping his hands and turning to the other kwamis, but that's when I noticed some were missing. Wait..- does that mean..? Before the Joker could even move, someone jumped up behind him and kicked him straight across his face.

Joker slightly released his grip on Tikki, including dropping her earrings. She squeezed herself out and grabbed the earring before Catwoman could get her hands on it. She was about to make a run for it, more people showed up and surrounded both her and the Joker including one that was holding Marinette in his arms. It was a monkey themed hero who I'm guessing was the holding of Xuppu's miraculous.

I ran up to them and saw Marinette. The blood still wasn't stopping. I took her from him as Tikki joined me while I went back inside the building with her. We stopped on the 13th floor and I laid her down. I ripped off some cloth from my sleeve and tied it around her wound and around her arm to prevent the blood from spilling further. While doing all that, my eyes were blurred as tears filled my eyes.

I frantically wiped them away but felt a hand softly caressing my cheeks. "Tim, I'm fine. What matters right now are the villains." I helped her get up as she was wobbling a lot. I picked her up again and we went back down to where Bruce and the others were. They were tying up the villains that they fought and when they saw Mari they rushed over.

Jason: Pixie. You poor thing. *hugs her head*

Marinette: I-I'm fine, Jay.

Damian: Tt, I got your stupid friends.

Kaalki: Since we didn't have the other miraculouses, we couldn't get all of them.

Marinette: That's okay. The others will be here any second now... There they are along with the police I see.

Bruce: I called the commissioner and told his men to stay outside unless absolutely necessary.

That's when Chloe and Luka returned with a few of the miraculouses including the box itself. "Good work. How's everyone doing?" Kagami asked. "They're alright and are wrapping this up. Catwoman doesn't want to let go of the jewellery." Chloe informed us. "Kaalki, meet the others halfway with their miraculouses. You too Damian." Marinette instructed. Damian rolled his eyes and took the four with him including the glasses.

Mari put on her earrings and Tikki hugged her cheek tightly. "Marinette, you had me so scared!" She giggled, "It's alright Tikki. I'm fine." I placed Marinette down and she transformed. "Spots On." "So what's the plan, miss Ladybug?" Luka grinned. "Well we're done with the two up on the roof and collected all of the miraculouses." The rest of the group came down the stairs with two of them dragging Catwoman and Joker in tow.

"Good job you guys. The commissioner can take it from here." Mari took back the miraculouses and gave them to their holders as demon just returned with the others. "Ok, now that everyone's here, we can..-" But just then Joker began to cackle and just like that, each floor of the building exploded and now it was on a trip to the ground with us inside of it along with the villains themselves.

"Looks like you kids won't make it home because we all WON'T BE ALIVE!!" He chuckled. "Each one of you boys takes a villain. Max, teleport us down to the police officers below. Nino, when I give the word, you call 'Shelter'. Got it?" They all nodded in agreement. All nine villains were in check. "Voyage! Everyone through, now!" Max opened the portal and we all ran through with Nino going first. "Wait...wait..." Mari mental counted.

"It's kind getting closerrr..." Chloe trembled. "I know... NOW!!" "Shelter!" The building came crashing down on the shield as it made the ground tremble and quake. The shield was pushed into the ground and from the inside you could see the building exploding as fire decorated the outside of the shield. "Not sure if I could hold this up!" Nino warned us. "Juleka, if the shield comes down I'll need you to use 'Collision'." "Ok."

The shield began the crack all over as Nino fell to his knees with Alya running to his side. It only took a few more seconds for the crashing to halt but the fire was still there. "Change of plans. Max, de-transform and refuel, we'll teleport out of here and then Kagami will put out the flames. Master, I think you know what happens after that." I frowned. So did I...


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