Chapter 17 - The Guardian's Retrieval

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Marinette's POV

Kagami: What!?

Marinette: Chloe and I just saw him. They were auctioning him off. I told her to stay back and see who the bidders were.

Kagami: Hold on, I'll put it on speaker phone. Luka, you need to hear this.

Luka: Hey Mari.

Marinette: The Guardian is here.

Luka: No way!

Damnit! If someone actually buys him will be able to get him back? Stealing him would be a better option but I don't really want it to come to that. "MARI!!" I swiftly turned around and saw Tim running up to me. "Sorry you two gotta go, I'll let- AHH!!" I screamed as I bomb went off and the wave made the ground shake. The auction doors flew open and everyone ran out and now the halls were flooded.

"M-Mari..- Wh..a-at-" And the call ended. With all the commotion I could find Chloe and the Waynes and the crowds were unbearable. I pushed through and I at least tried to make my way to the bathroom so I could transform but someone grabbed my hand. Tim. "Where are you going!?" Sh*t! I forgot about Tim! "Umm, just to the bathroom. Hehe. And there's probably also an exit to the back so I'll go check it out."

But I was shocked when he said he'd accompany me. I mentally facepalmed myself. We made our way past the stampede of people and made our way to the back but to my dismay all the exits were blocked and the roof was coming down as a result of the explosion. Tim and I jumped out of the way, avoiding some of the falling pieces of the building but soon enough we were cornered.

I tugged at my earring and stared down at a worried Tikki and Plagg who watched from my side purse. We managed to jump away from another broken-off piece from the roof only to be cornered in another tiny space. I could transform and create a path for everyone to exit through the back but in the process, I could risk my identity being blown, but...the chaos could give me a chance to get Master Fu.

And as another piece began to crumble I said those words while putting on a ring... "Plagg, Claws Out! Cataclysm!" I slid my hand along the walls of the building and it immediately turned to ash making an opening through the back of the building. I de-transformed, fed Plagg then called out again. "Tikki, Spots On!" I swung my yo-yo and landed on top of the building running off to find Chloe.

I found her climbing out of the bathroom window already transformed. "Alya, Nino, Kagami and Luka are on their way." she said as I landed next to her. "I made an opening in the back of the building. Help them get out safely." "What about us?" I turned around and saw the others on the roof. "Carapace and Viperion, Help Queen Bee get everyone out safely." They nodded in sync then left. "Rena, Ryuko, You're with me. We're getting our Guardian back."

Kagami's POV

We snuck back inside through one of the air vents and got in. This was where they were supposedly keeping the auctioning items. We hid as we heard voices nearing the vault and when we looked, Mari and I were shocked to see Catwoman, Ivy, Two Face and Penguin trying to take as much as they could...including Master Fu. "Rena, we need a distraction." Mari whispered.

We all ran back as she played her flute and called on her powers. "Mirage!" We climbed back into the vent and waited for them. An illusion of Ladybug and Batman appeared and they caught the villains' attention and they began to attack them. Rena controlled the illusions and made them run away and dodge the attack only for Ivy to punch a hole through the wall and destroy the images.

"Venom!" And just like that she was frozen by Chloe. We made our way out through the vent to be met by the others. "Nice work Bee." Ladybug complemented. "Two Face had Him!" Luka yelled. "Let's get him back then." I said. Marinette yo-yo down and tried to grab him but dodged in order to avoid a swinging mallet. "Hello again, Kiddies! It's been a while." "Wind Dragon!" I swooped down and distracted Harley while the others dealt with Penguin and Catwoman.

"Carapace, Shield!" Ladybug yelled. "Shelter!" He used his powers to capture Two Face and Marinette inside his shield. I returned to normal and battled with Harley. Mari pulled out the Mouse miraculous and put it on. "Tikki, Mullo, Unify! Multitude!" She shrunk and attacked Two Face at one and managed to steal Master Fu away from him while taking him out. She grew big again as Carapace removed the shield and Luka took Master Fu.

By then, the commissioner and the police arrived to apprehend the villains, but Catwoman and Harley managed to escape. But in the end, for us at least, it was a huge success. We left before the media could get a word out of us and during the entire way back, Mari was silent. We arrived back at her apartment and the kwamis were quick to welcome us back. We all de-transformed as Luka rested him down on the couch.

Mari grew more distant and I could tell something was up. I asked, "Hey, is something wrong?" She didn't answer. "Earth to Marinette." I said waving my hand in front of her face. She finally snapped out of it and giggled awkwardly. "Oh...yeah, what is it?" I frowned. "I was asking you the same thing. You seem distracted. Did something happen?" Her eyes widened as she looked away, "Nothing..important..." she mumbled.

I sighed, "I'm not going to force you to tell me but we're here for you if you wanna talk. Okay?" She nodded slightly as I got up and went to talk with the others. She was definitely hiding something but I didn't want her to feel pressured to say anything. Afterall, we did just get Master Fu back, the exact thing that was keeping us here. This meant that now we could return to Paris, our old lives. But only Master Fu knows the ritual, so until he wakes up, we'll be staying here.


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