Chapter 2 - Friday Patrol

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Chloe's POV

Those two kept glaring at each other during the entire lecture...Sigh. I poked Mari's side and she flinched. "Girl, if you keep staring people would think you two are flirting." She gagged, "Don't be ridiculous. Everyone in this class, maybe even the entire school knows that we hate each other. Nothing will change that." I awkwardly smiled then looked down at Kagami who was a few tables in front of us.

The lecture came to an end when the bell rang and we packed our things to leave but Mari didn't budge. "Aren't you coming..? We have work..-" But she blurted, "I can't go THERE because the idiot will be there! It's awkward and he'll be very distracting to my STUFF!" I raised a brow. "Don't worry Marinette the waitress. I'll only be there for your entire shift." A voice spoke from behind her. Tim just loves to piss her off.

He scurried away before she could do anything and it was a good thing too, seeing as she was about to blow. "That Jacka**!!" Kagami called for us and I had to literally pull her out of the classroom. Luka came and he immediately stopped a few feet away from us. "I don't want to be near that 'thing' when it blows." Kagami and I laughed while Marinette pouted finally calming down. "C'mon, we still need to work. Let's go."

We all drove to the café and got changed as we had the same shift on Fridays. We came back out and started taking order as normal until a certain Wayne came in and Mari froze up. He sat down at a table and since I was the only one not doing anything, I indulged him. "Good afternoon sir, what can I get..-" But he cut me off. "I'd like to personally request that waitress over there. I can wait." Tim finished with a wide smirk on his face.

I sighed and left. Marinette finished with her table and she reluctantly made her way over to the table with her face red. Red with anger... "What Can I Get You?" she struggled to say. Oh god... I went behind the counter and saw Cesaire grinning. "Hey bee, what's their relationship?" she queried. I shrugged, "They just argue a lot. They hate each other's guts." Luka gave us his order, "Not only that but they're kinda like rivals in everything they do."

I don't think I'd call what they have a 'relationship' but it is fun to watch them bicker...or as I see it, flirting. Our shift was almost up and it was about time to leave. Kim, Max, Ivan and Alix came to take over. I headed on back but saw Tim leaving after he paid. Though I must wonder, 1. Why didn't he spill the beans about Mari, 2. What does he get out of coming here, and 3. Whether he annoys her out of spite or for a reaction?

I must say, it's fun to watch these two. They're so...oblivious yet so obvious in so many ways. I can't wait to see who'll make the first move. Oh right, we're supposed to go over to Mari's tonight. Better hurry.

Luka's POV

I had to stop by mom's place before going over to Marinette's. "Hey mom." She greeted me at the door and gave me the stuff and said to give it to Juleka whenever I got the chance since she and Rose were having a sleepover. "Take care, Luka. Say hi to Kagami for me." I blushed a little, "Yeah..okay." I left and drove over to Marinette's apartment. I knocked on the door and Chloe allowed me in.

Sass flew over to me and he sat upon my head. "It's nice to see you again." he hissed. I patted his head and met up with the others. "Gami, my mom said hi." She gave a little smile, "Tell her I said hi too." And I started off. "So what's up, Nettie?" She got up and explained while I took my seat. "For starters, that missing withdrawal of cash. And second, I kinda hacked into the...Batcave.."

There was complete silence in the room until she spoke up, "It was by total accident. Batman was working on the same mission and well..I got carried away.. Hehe.." Kagami then said, "Well, were they able to track you?" She shook her head. Sigh, Mari always finds a way to get herself in these situations. "Well for now, let's just go on patrol. And let's NOT bump into the scary bat. OKAY MARINETTE?" Chloe exclaimed.

Marinette scoffed and folded her arms. "Tikki, Spots On!" "Pollen, Buzz On!" "Longg, Bring the Storm!" "Sass, Scales Slither!" We hid under the cover of darkness. Batman didn't know about us so we're kinda like secret undercover ninjas. We just do a look around then go straight back to the apartment. I had this odd feeling as if we were being watched or even followed. I kept looking back and Kagami asked, "Is something wrong?" I looked down, "I just...don't feel right. It feels as if we're being tailed."

She narrowed her eyes then went over to Marinette. We landed on a random building's rooftop and scanned the area. There wasn't anything out there so was I just making things up..? Chloe rested her hand on my shoulder, "Hey are you sure you felt something?" I sighed, leaning on the railing. That's when Ladybug's yo-yo grabbed the both of us and pulled us away from the railing just in time before a wip could lash us.

We turned around to see Catwoman. Not only her but Ivy and Harley as well. We were surrounded. Cat Woman spoke up first.

Catwoman: So you're the little heroes that we spotted last week. Didn't really do a nice job of hiding it though.
The jewellery stands out a bit too much for me.

Ivy: What are your powers exactly? Or do you not have any?

Kagami: That's none of your business.

Harley: Oh, she takes back, Ivy. You've got some nerve, kid.

Ladybug: What do you want?

Catwoman: Hand over the jewellery and give yourselves up. We don't need another addition to the bat squad.

This wasn't looking too good for my liking. If we remove the jewellery that will in turn reveal ourselves. We can't do that. But our priority is protecting Marinette as she is the Guardian of the Miraculouses. If they get to her and Tikki, it's game over. The three of us protected Marinette and Ivy chuckled, "Is the black spotted bug your leader? Then we'll take her out first to lighten your load."

She launched her plants at us and they blasted us off the roof. Bee and Ladybug caught us and helped us make it safely on the ground as we ran away. How did they find out about us? I was almost sure that we were discrete. We dodged the plants but the clown girl blocked our path and swung her mallet to be met with Ryuko's sword, pushing her back. "Viperion, your powers, do it now!" Ladybug instructed. "Second Chance!"

"Alright, Viper and Bee you're both on Ivy, Ryuko you're on Harley, leave the cat to me. Got it." We nodded in sync and agreement and we separated. Mari swung onto the roof to meet up with Catwoman and to be totally honest, I was kinda scared to face off against the plant lady. Right now, she's our biggest problem not to mention if Harley calls on Joker. That'll be more of the predicament we're already in.

The best chance we have is for Bee to immobilise her and for Kagami to restrain Harley. I'm not sure about the Cat. She's gonna be a problem.


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