Chapter 18 - Revealed Identities

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Luka's POV

Mari didn't come with us to university today as she was staying home to watch Master Fu. He still hasn't woken up yet and to be honest, I'm starting to get worried. The bell rang for break and I saw Tim with the girls outside the classroom. "Are you sure Mari's okay?" he asked. "Yeah, she's just out of it after yesterday." Chloe replied. And with that he left. He looked really upset and worried about her.

They ended and we all went to the café for our shifts and about a half an hour later, Jason and Tim showed up as Chloe went up to meet them. "This is a first. What can I get you two?" "Timmy here was actually hoping that pixie would be here." I frowned then sighed. "I'm sorry guys but she's also home right now." I said. "Then may I get her address please?" Tim asked.

I looked at Chloe and then looked away. "I'm not sure..-" "She lives on Downey Avenue in one of the apartments there. She's in building 3 apartment 12." Kagami said from behind us while serving a customer. "Thanks so much!" Tim ran out the door and left. "Sigh, if Mari asks who told him her address I'm immediately selling you out, Kagami." I muttered. "Where's all that love you showed on Saturday, Hmm?" I blushed, "Shut up!" She smirked at me while Jason and Chloe chuckled behind my back.

Tim's POV

I ran all the way from the café to the address thanks to the map app on my phone. I rang the doorbell then slid down to the ground panting harshly. Moments later, Mari opened the door and was surprised to see me. "Tim!? Are you okay? What are you..- Better question, how did you even know where I live?" She narrowed her eyes at me as I flinched. "Look, I know you probably don't want to see me but I wanted to talk about...Saturday..."

She frowned, "Then you can just leave..-" I hurriedly jumped to my feet and grabbed her hand before she could go back inside. "W-Wait, Wait. Please. I didn't tell anyone, I didn't even mention it to your friends. I just..want to know if you're alright after the Gala. That's all. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I knew I could've helped you and didn't." She exhaled, "Look, I get that you're worried but I'm fine."

"What about that guy you took back with you? Is he okay?" She froze then looked away, "I think it's time you leave." She glared at me and I felt my body tense up as I loosened my grip on her hand. From Ladybug's perspective, I think that guy was the 'family' she was looking for. But I couldn't ask that because she could possibly figure out that I am Red Robin because she's only ever told my alius and the others' about it.

"I'm sorry, but could I at least get some water? I did just run all the way here." She rolled her eyes and went back inside. I peeked through the door and found the guy lying on the couch with the kwamis surrounding him. She returned with the water and flicked my forehead. "I saw that, idiot." I awkwardly chuckled and sipped the water. "So. Who told you..where I lived?" "It was Kagami."

She scoffed, "Highly unlikely but it isn't impossible. Seeing as you're done with the water, you may leave because I have nothing else to say." And with that she took the glass from my hand and closed the door. Damn, she's so mean sometimes. I sighed heavily and made my way down the stairs. Well, I might get to see her later for patrol since she doesn't know that I'm Red Robin. But, it'll kinda be ticklish for me but in the end both halves are the same whole, two sides of the same coin, the same Marinette. The same girl that...I love.

I left and went back to the café to see Jason waiting outside for me. "So?" he asked. I scoffed, "She didn't say a word." He stared at me then slapped the back of my head. "Dude, that clearly means you didn't try hard enough. You should've done better, Timmy." He wasn't wrong, I should've done more, tried harder but she was stubborn and he didn't know why I didn't want to push her. The limo parked in front of the café and I got in first only to see Jason and Chloe saying goodbye to each other.

"Aww, aren't you the cutest?" I teased him as he sat down opposite me. He slightly blushed and folded his arms. But seeing them like that made me wish that...Mari and I had that relationship with each other. But then..we'd be a boring couple to say the least. We arrived back at the Manor and the first to greet us was Dick. "You two are finally back. Did you have a little brotherly bonding time?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes, "We simply went to the café..-" "But Timmy went to see his sick-in-bed girlfriend." Jason cooed. I punched his shoulder then went inside and up to my room. The hours flew by while I did my homework and revised for tomorrow. The time came when it was time for patrol. We all changed into our costumes and met Bruce down in the cave to see him with the heroes including Marinette.

"Today will be a simple patrol. There haven't really been any signs of strange or criminal activity but this is Gotham so keep your guard up. Understood?" Batman informed us. We nodded and the Marinette along with the others left the cave first then we did after. We got out and met up with them, going our separate ways. It was only 10 minutes after did we hear gunshots from across town.

We all hurried back to see the group being picked on by some of the thugs but Ladybug was missing. I went off by myself in search of her and thankfully I found her tying up a small group of thugs. But to my dismay, there was another one rushing towards her and I don't think she saw him. I jumped down and blocked her, hitting the guy with my bo-staff as he fell to the ground unconscious.

"Red Robin. What are you..- Oh crap, you're bleeding! Let me..-" I patted her head. "It's fine, really." "But you got hurt!" she countered. "Heh, yeah but I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I knew I could've helped you and didn't." I grappled up to the roof of the building and made my way back to the others who were helping the police officers. "Now where did you run off to?" Damian asked.

I awkwardly chuckled as I tried to mask my injury, "I uhh, went to help Ladybug. She'll be here any minute with the others." And she was. Once all the thugs were gone, we called it a night and we parted. I heavily sighed, gripping my side where I got stabbed. As soon as we got back, I went straight up to my room to deal with the wound. I stripped off my shirt and dropped it on the floor then went into the bathroom to get the first aid kit.

I got out the bandages and the stitching needle and thread after I finished cleaning the surface. That's when I heard a knock on my window as I was about to get started. To my surprise it was Ladybug. I opened it and allowed her in and she stared at me then at my wound. "Did you say what you said on purpose?" she asked. I did. I wanted her to know who I was because it was fair how it only went one way.

"Yeah... Are you disappointed that I'm me, that I'm Red Robin?" She frowned, "No. Do you need help with that?" I handed her the needle, "Please, if you don't mind." I laid on the couch near the balcony while Marinette turned on the lamp. "Spots Off." She de-transformed then kneeled next to me and began. I couldn't stop looking at her while she stitched me up.

I groaned softly and she immediately apologised. "It's fine." "To be honest, it's the first time I'm doing this but I've seen it being done first hand before. Do you need any anaesthetic?" I shook my head. She finished then helped me sit up so she could bandage my wound. "Done." She mumbled, taking everything to the bathroom to get it cleaned off. Moments later she finished and was about to leave when I stopped her.

"I think we need to talk. We can't keep going on like this without fixing what's happening now." She stopped in her tracks. I got up from the couch and went over to her and gently held her hand in mine. "Please." She finally looked back at me and we made eye contact. Those hypnotic bluebell eyes, her tiny freckles, her soft thin lips. "Thank you for saving me..with that thug. I thought I caught all of them. And I'm sorry you got hurt."

I smiled. "It's fine, Mari. Once you're okay then I'll be okay."


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