Chapter 15 - Gala Dates

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Chloe's POV

"Well see you guys for your shifts. Bye!" We waved our overnight guests goodbye and they were gone. "So Mari, maybe we could do some shopping this morning and leave these two here alone to 'catch up'." I giggled while Luka and Kagami blushed. "Sure why not." Mari and I got changed and headed out leaving Luka and Kagami in the apartment. We drove around town for hours, one shop after the other.

It was fun, it's been a while since it's just been the two of us just hanging out. "Hey, I think that's enough for now. Let's see if we could get some food and call it a day." Mari suggested. I nodded in agreement. We entered the mall and took a break and rested in the food court in front of our favourite spot. We called Kagami and asked if she and Luka wanted anything. We took their orders then Mari went to make the order at the counter.

"Okay, they said wait for our number to be called to get our order." Mari said, handing me a bottle of water. It was a little more than five minutes till our number was called so we collected it then left. We arrived back at the apartment to find Luka and Kagami making out. "Jesus, and here we thought you wanted Chinese food, not your lips." They pulled away immediately, Kagami's entire face turned red as Marinette laughed.

It was 15 minutes past 2 when we left the apartment to go to the café for our shifts

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It was 15 minutes past 2 when we left the apartment to go to the café for our shifts. Before Mari left, she took out both the fox and the turtle miraculouses then closed the door. "Hey you four!" Alya greeted us. Marinette signalled to her to come to the back and she did. While we got changed, Mari took Alya upstairs to the security room to give both of them their miraculouses.

Our shift today was taking longer than usual to finish, maybe it was because of the ball later and I was nervous. What if Jay doesn't like my dress, my make-up, my style? He could just be doing this for the laughs and to make fun of me. "Chloe, what's wrong?" I turned around to see Rose. "Sigh, boy problems..." I mumbled. "No way, the Queen is having boy problems? What has the world come to?" Alix butted in.

Rose giggled then continued, "It is strange to hear you complaining about boys but I'm not really one to help seeing as I have a girlfriend. But, I mean, if you like this person, even though they aren't from our timeline, shouldn't you at least try? In the end we might actually end up staying here, or finding our way back to Paris. Point is, you only got one life, might as well make the best of it."

And with that she walked away. I smiled contently, I never knew that pink ball of giggles was a guru. Our shift ended as Mari explained the situation to Alya and Nino. "Chloe and I will be at the Gala and will text you if anything goes wrong. Kagami and Luka will be at my place if anything. Got it?" Alya chuckled, "Take it easy, girl. We got this. Now you two have fun with your 'boyfwends'!" she teased.

We left and Mari and I got ready and changed into our outfits. When we were done, Luka and Kagami looked speechless. "You two look stunning. I'm sure your dates will love your outfits." Luka complimented. "Be safe out there you two." Kagami added. We waved bye after hearing the horn of a car below the building. *deep breath* Let's hope this all goes well...

Jason's POV

Tim and I used a separate limo because the original one was kinda full. We parked outside a community of apartments using the address pixie sent to Timmy. We waited for about a minute when something caught my attention in the corner of my eye. I was flabbergasted and so was Tim when we looked upon our dates.

We both got out and damn, Chloe was absolutely gorgeous

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We both got out and damn, Chloe was absolutely gorgeous. "I hope we aren't underdressed for the occasion." Pixie joked. "Nah, you're alright." Tim replied, kissing the back of her hand, taking her over to the car. "You're radiant, Chloe." She blushed at my comment, "Thanks, you don't look bad yourself." I chuckled. I took her hand in mine and guided her back to the limo then it drove off.

"So, who are you wearing?" Tim asked. "We went shopping and Mari kinda did some stitching over here and there." Chloe said. "You can sew, pixie?" She awkwardly replied, "Y-Yeah. I used to do some designing, but it's been a while. It was just a bibli boppity-boo and even more bibli boppity-boo. But I'm glad I got them done in time." We arrived at the venue and it seemed like the girls were mesmerised by the decorations and lights.

I got out first and held out my hand to Chloe who shyly took it and we walked up the carpet with flashing lights in our faces. Timmy and pixie also got out and followed us as we entered the Gala ballroom. "It's all so beautiful. I've never seen anything like this." Chloe mumbled. "Yeah well, all the more reason to enjoy it." Tim spotted the others so we made our way over to them.

Marinette: Good evening Mr. Wayne. It's nice to see you again. You too Dick, Damian.

Bruce: Marinette, lovely dress you're wearing. Jason, who's this? You did mention a date.

Jason: This is Chloe, she's also one of Marinette's friends.

Chloe: It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Wayne. Mari has told me quite a bit about you.

Marinette: So Dick, I haven't seen this beautiful lady before.

Dick: Ah, this is Barbara, my girlfriend.

Marinette: You never mentioned a girlfriend before, but regardless, it's nice to meet you.

Chloe: Me too, I'm glad that we aren't the only girls.

Barbara: I hear you. It's nice to meet you too. All that's left is Bruce and Damian.

Damian: Tt, no female will ever catch my attention, Gordon.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to the Gotham City Gala. I hope you enjoy it. There is entertainment and refreshments including snacking tables and bars around the ballroom. Please ask any of the help around if you are in need of aid. That is all."


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