Chapter 11 - Further Trust

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Damian's POV

Yesterday's patrol was so boring, so we ended up coming back to the cave with the other sidekicks. They continued with their search for the person they said they were looking for while Todd and Drake practised fighting. "Hey kid." I turned around to see the dragon girl. "What do you want?" "Wanna have a little sparring match with me?" My eyes widened for a moment. "W-Wait, you want to fight with me?"

She nodded, "Training. Plus, I wanna see how good you are with that katana." Well she was awfully cocky. The only other person willing to train with me was Grayson. "So?" "I'm in. I won't hold back though." I answered. "Alright, neither will I." she chuckled. She pulled out her sword and I grabbed my katana and we faced off and I'll admit, she was good. But her moves reminded me of something.

I jumped back and asked, "Do you practise fencing?" She grinned, "Yeah, I do." Hmm, she's better than the fighters I see on television sometimes. But she's not as good as me because I'm holding back from killing. "Fine, I'll let you in on a little secret." She lowered her guard, "That is?" "I'm a born and raised assassin from the League of Shadows." Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at me with their jaws dropped.

Ryuko: You're being serious right now?

Batman: Robin. Why did you..-

Viperion: No way, they actually exist!?!

Ladybug: Duh you idiot! Batman's real too.

Queen Bee: Not only does Batman let his sidekicks walk around with guns and birdarangs but katanas too.

Red Robin: How could you say that to them, demon!?

Robin: *shrugs* I thought it would've built our trust.

Red Hood: Are you stupid.

Batman: Enough!!

Father silenced us then spoke to the new sidekicks, "I apologise but seeing as what he said was true, there's no use in denying it." That's when the red bug laughed, "It's fine Bats. I mean, where magical beings with powers while he's an assassin. We have our fair share of abnormalities. But it doesn't frighten us so we're good." Huh? What does she mean by 'abnormalities'?

"I was actually wondering.." Drake turned to the red bug. "What was that thing you did against the Ice villains?" She raised a brow then remembered. "Oh you mean with the miraculouses?" He nodded. "Oh, that's how we gain more powers by combining miraculouses. The maximum I've used is 2 so far. Using more than that can cause serious damage and can weaken the wearer."

So they're more powerful than we thought. They've only used about 7 of the miraculouses and there can be more. More powerful than the ones they already possess. "I also have a question." She nodded. "How many miraculouses are there in total?" Her eyes widened then she tapped her chin. "About 19 I think." My family gasped, That many? She really has that much? "Would it be possible to show the rest of them what the kwami looked like?" Drake further queried.

She shared glances with her team then opened her yo-yo and pulled out a necklace. "Trixx." And with that a light emerged from the jewellery and formed a small flying creature kind of identical to a fox. "You called, Ladybug." "It could talk?" Grayson questioned in disbelief. "This one's cuter than the one I saw." Drake commented. "Xuppu wouldn't like to hear that, RR." He flinched.

"This is Trixx, the fox kwami. He grants the power of illusion. It was a while ago, the fire incident, one of my comrades used this kwami." Yes, there was a girl and another guy there. I think the snake boy used both his miraculous and that same one against the villains the night before. So she has friends outside of this little group of four...meaning that there are about 12 others out there too.

It was time for them to leave and after they left I sighed, "We might as well hang up our capes, Father. They might steal our job." Grayson patted my head, "Don't worry Lil'D, they know how much we love fighting so they probably won't." I hated how naive Grayson could be at times... "Well, aside from that, they said that they were making progress on finding who they were looking for." Father informed us.

"Well we all have school tomorrow so let's turn in, guys." Todd said while yawning. "Trying to eat dinner all the way from down here, or are you trying to catch a fly?" Drake teased. Todd glared at him while he stuck his tongue out. And they ran around the cave while we all watched in disappointment.

Marinette's POV

Timothy and I have been getting a lot closer recently, after the project and all. He's not been that much of a pain ever since. Sometimes you'd see us walking together through the corridors and sometimes we would chat during lunch and whatnot. I even heard rumours that people think we're dating. How disgusting. "Hey cupcake." And now he calls me that. "What's up, Timothy?"

He frowned, "Can't you call me Tim or Timmy or something? We've been technically friends for more than a week now..." I rolled my eyes, "What was it that you wanted?" He sighed, "I was wondering if you could take me to the café as a customer this time." He's also been coming sometimes to work and I think that's why we've been receiving more customers recently. "So, can I get a lift?"

I sighed heavily with a nod and he patted my shoulder, "Thanks cupcake." And with that he jogged away. But why...did I like it better when he called me 'Cupcake'..? Stupid Timothy...

School came to an end and so I dropped him off then I went to park the car. I came in through the back door and Alix greeted me. "Oh, hey Alix. Does this mean that Kim's back?" She replied, "Yup with..-" "WITH MY FIRST PLACE MEDAL!!" I chuckled as I heard him on the other side. "You didn't need to announce it to the world, Kim." Max complained. "Congrats Kim, I knew you could do it. But a certain someone did miss you."

There was a few seconds of quiet before Luka spoke up, "He's tearing up..." The girls and I laughed. We all finished changing and met Nathaniel and Marc outside with Alya. "Marc, Nath, you're back." I greeted in disbelief. "Y-Yeah, sorry Mari. After the comic release and everything we were trapped at the competition first by a storm then we got lost on our way back..-" "Not to mention someone forgot to bring our invites." Marc glared at him.

"I said I was sorry." Now that's two guys who broke into tears. "Well, it's good to have you back guys." Luka said. "But we all have work to do so let's get on with it." Kagami rushed us. We got to work but everyone was basically wondering about Timothy's recurring presence here. I was serving a table's drinks when one of the guys grabbed my wrist. "Hey beautiful. The coffee looks sweet but I think I might like you better."

This is one of the many problems in Gotham City.


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