Chapter 19 - I Did It

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Third Person's POV

Tim leaned against the wall to prop himself up. Marinette's eyes softened as they began to bubble up with tears. Tim saw this and he cupped her cheeks while wiping the tears with his thumbs. "What's wrong?" Marinette didn't answer. She knew exactly why she was crying but she couldn't bring herself to say it. "It's..nothing.. Don't worry about it." she mumbled. "How am I not supposed to worry about you, cupcake." Tim replied.

Marinette rested her hand lightly over his wounded spot. "If you're still worrying about the wound then you could forget it even exists. You're always caring about others before yourself, it's one of the many things I like and admire about you. Your kindness, compassion, honesty and even how you react to me whether it be physically or through your words, harsh they may be. It just makes me happy to know that you acknowledge me."

Marinette slowly removed his mask off his face. She looked at him, both staring deep into the other's eyes. Tim pulled her closer, and closer, and closer...until their lips made contact. They parted briefly only to dive into another kiss again, this one lasting longer. Marinette gave out quiet pants after Tim pulled away. "I'm sorry." She blushed, covering her mouth and turning away. "It's fine. Don't..worry about it."

He chuckled and kissed the tip of her nose, "You're so cute when you blush, cupcake~" She groaned as he pulled her into a tight hug. "I-I should be going and I don't want us to get caught." "Get caught making out or me in my suit?" Tim joked. She pushed him away by the tip of his nose, "You're so funny. And both. Tikki." The kwami came through the window and sat in Marinette's hand. "Aww, so this is your kwami. She's cute, just like her holder *grins*"

Marinette rolled her eyes as Tikki would giggle. "Thank you. My name's Tikki. It's finally nice to officially meet you, Tim. Marinette talks a lot about you. Hehe." Marinette's face flushed with red blush as she pestered Tikki to stop all the while Tim was laughing. "Alright. Tikki, Spots On!" She climbed onto the window sill but Tim pulled her by her arm. As she turned around, Tim pecked her lips almost immediately. "Will I see you at school tomorrow?" he asked.

She giggled, "We'll see how I'm feeling tomorrow." And with that she left. The Wayne couldn't stop smiling as he flopped back onto the bed. "I. Did. It."

Marinette's POV

"Spots Off." I flopped onto the couch in my living room and stared up at the ceiling. Tikki then sat upon my forehead and asked, "Marinette, is everything alright? You seem..down." I sighed, "Tikki, I don't know about my so-called relationship with Tim. I'm not supposed to get attached. It'll...just make it harder to leave when the time comes." Tikki frowned, "Then why didn't you tell him about it? You'll just be leading him on."

I turned to face the corner of the couch and remained silent. "You know Marinette, you don't really have to go back to Paris if you don't want to. You could just stay here with Tim." My head shot up and turned around to see Master Fu standing right behind me. "Master, you're awake! How are you feeling?" He laughed and sat next to me after I sat up on the couch. "I'm doing well, not to mention well rested."

"Would you like anything to eat, Master?" I asked as he smiled. "Just some tea is fine. Thank you." I hurriedly got up and prepared some jasmine tea. "So, about this boy..." he started. I frowned, "What about him?" He chuckled, "You like him don't you?" I blushed, "Maybe a little bit.." Master Fu appeared by my side and smiled. "As I said before, you could always stay here with him."

Marinette: family, my friends...

Fu: Your friends, the other miraculous holders, were here as well. Chloe said that she was also suffering from the same dilemma. But I think she made up her mind of where she wanted to be.

Marinette: Wanna give me a hint?

Fu: When the time comes, you'll know.

I hated when the Master would tell me riddles and leave me strayed on. I handed him his cup then got mine as we sat back down on the couch. "So, when am I going to meet this boyfriend of yours?" I almost choked on my tea. "Wha-at are you t-talking about? He's b-b-boyfriend.." He looked at me then at Tikki. "They kissed Master. I saw it!" I was dumbfounded. My own kwami betrayed me. "Tikki!!"

Plagg: That's not all Master. She ALWAYS talks about her favourite camembert. It's kind of annoying.

Marinette: Not you too, Plagg.

Trixx: Alya and I have been keeping a close eye on them too. They're very close indeed.

Xuppu: And I've met him in person. So Marinette, when's the wedding?

Marinette: WHAT!?!??! THERE IS NO WEDDING!!

Wazz: I don't think we'll live to see it. We'll all die out by the time Marinette confesses to him.

Roarr: Very true. Marinette, pick up the pace.


Chloe's POV

I was honestly worried that Mari wouldn't come to school today seeing as Master Fu had woken up but she did. Probably because the Master forced her to. As soon as she walked in, she was met with a kiss on the cheek by Tim. Aww. Just then, a pair of lips met my cheeks from behind me. "Jay." I turned around and saw him as he kissed me again. "Good morning my gorgeous blondie."

"Mornin'." I replied as he threw his arm around my neck. "It seems like those two patched things up." he stated, gesturing toward Mari and Tim. "Yeah. They seem happier. Maybe Mari finally let loose." I chuckled. It was about time for class to start so Jay kissed me one last time before we parted to go our separate ways. I walked up to my seat next to Mari and smirked, " and Tim?"

She twirled a piece of her hair with her finger, "What about us?" I giggled, "You two are adorable, Mari. You finally started dating." She scratched her cheek with her finger, "To tell the truth..I don't know about us dating per say... But the Master did say he wanted to meet him." I grinned, "Meeting the in-laws already." She playfully punched my arm, "Look who's talking. You need to have a little appointment with the Waynes."

I laughed before the teacher entered the classroom. "Alright class, take out your text and turn to page 365."


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