Chapter 3 - Confrontation

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Marinette's POV

I tried my best to dodge all of her attacks but damn, she was light on her feet. How old is this woman!? We fought as we jumped from rooftop to rooftop but I caught her by surprise. I yo-yoed below the building then swung back up, managing to kick her in her face. I sent a range of attacks catching her off guard and finally getting that wip away from her. "You're good, kid." I grinned. "But not good enough."

I looked down at the small beeping on my shoulder. Sh*t a smoke bomb! It exploded and I began to cough violently. I dropped the wip in an attempt to open my yo-yo but Catwoman stopped me and grabbed me, lifting me up by my throat. I looked down to see her wearing her breathing mask as I struggled to breathe and get out of her grasp. Just then, a sword was placed by her neck and a gun to her head. It was the sidekicks and Batman.

Batman: Release her, Catwoman.

Catwoman: Bats, it's nice to see you again. Is she and her friends part of your vigilante group?

Robin: Like hell she isn't.

Nightwing: We don't know her, but that doesn't give you the right to hurt her.

Red Hood: Put her down, kitty cat.

Her grip abruptly tightened before throwing me off the roof but I landed in someone's arms. I looked up and saw... Red Robin. "Are you okay?" he asked, placing me down on the ground. I nodded and he grappled back up on the roof. Shoot! The others! I ran into the streets and found them wrapped up in Ivy's plants. Kagami used her wind dragon to escape and I smacked Ivy and Harley's cheek using my yo-yo.

They looked at me angrily. I ran and dodged their attacks. I'm going to need to change kwamis. "Ryuko, distract them while I switch!" She nodded. I hid behind a building and pulled out a ring from my yo-yo then de-transforming, giving Tikki a macaroon. "Plagg, Claws Out!" I ran back out and saw Ivy putting on lipstick readying herself to kiss Luka and CHloe about to get eaten by a carnivorous plant. "Cataclysm!"

I pounced and made contact with her plants as they all disintegrated into ash releasing the two. Chloe focused, "Venom!" and with one swift move, Ivy was immobilised. I ran back again and de-transformed, handing Plagg his stinky cheese. "Tikki, Spots On!" I dug into my yo-yo and pulled out a turtle-shelled bracelet. "Tikki, Wazz, Unify!" I ran back out and told everyone to step back, "Shelter!"

With that word, she was trapped inside my shield. I heavily exhaled and so did the others walking up to me. "Well those two are covered until our time runs out. The Bats are dealing with Catwoman so I think the commissioner will be here soon to pick up these two as well. That is, assuming he'll arrive before our time is up." Kagami sighed, "So I guess we wait.." Chloe yawned and Luka bonked her on her head.

A few seconds later, Bats and his 'sidekicks' approached us. "We want an explanation. Who are you and how did you manage to do the things you did?" I groaned, I honestly didn't want to tell him anything but if we work together then maybe he can lend us some very useful information and the tech we need to solve our own mission on the side too. I narrowed my eyes.

Carabug: First off, how long will it be before the commissioner arrives? We're kinda on a time limit here.

Nightwing: He'll be here shortly.

Queen Bee: That technically doesn't answer the question...

Just then, a few cars arrived on the scene and the commissioner and his men came out. They placed an inhibitor collar on Ivy and were ready to detain Harley when I took down the shield. That's when the boys handed Catwoman over in handcuffs to the officers. "Another job well done, Batman. Oh...there's more of you?" He sighed and Luka chuckled, "No. These aren't mine. And they dealt with these three before we even arrived on the scene." The commissioner instead thanked us then left.

Batman turned to us but Kagami, Chloe and I were only down to 2 minutes left. "Now, explain..-" But I cut him off. "I'm sorry but as I previously stated we're on a time limit. We honestly need to be getting home. A sense a reschedule is in order." I said. Red Hood then walked up to me and Chloe, watching us closely. "Umm.." I awkwardly muttered. "How can we trust you'll be back?" I shrugged.

Kagami spoke up and pushed his face away, "You can't but right now, if you want to find out more about us, then you're gonna have to." Batman walked up to me and took out a device from his pocket. "Meet us back here at 1900 hours tomorrow. Is that suitable?" We all shared glances then nodded. We left on our last minute and arrived back at the apartment. Everyone returned their miraculouses then went home. What a day...

Tim's POV

Nightwing: So Bruce, what are you planning on doing with those kids?

Batman: I don't know. If they were able to detain and stop both Ivy and Harley, then we need them on our side.

Robin: I don't trust them. Did you notice the red and black spotted one? First she was Ladybug themed, then she was Cat themed, and when we saw her again with her friends, she was mixed with two.

If she is their so-called leader, she is truly a person to be trifled with.

Red Hood: Well for one thing, the bluenette and the blondie were hella gorgeous.

I rolled my eyes. But they were right. It's blind trust right now and I honestly don't have a good feeling about them. I guess we're gonna have to see tomorrow.

The next day came around and it was almost time to meet up with the heroes. We got changed and we left the cave. We arrived back at the scene but they were nowhere to be seen. "Sorry, did we keep you five waiting?" We all looked up to see the four of them standing on the roof of the building behind us. They jumped down and were face to face with us now.

"We were hoping we could do this privately. If that's okay with you guys. We don't want to risk saying anything that will give us away." The guy said. Bruce narrowed his eyes. Dick then said, "I say we at least give them that much after what they did yesterday." Bruce sighed, "Fine. You could all accompany us back to the Batcave." The blondie smiled widely and high fived the guy.

My brothers and I got in the car while the four sat on top and we drove off. But I can't help but wonder why we're taking such a big risk? I mean showing them the cave only after the first meeting...that's risky. "Aww, the red birdie is overthinking again." Todd pestered. I glared at him, "I'm just thinking. Bats, do you really think this is a good idea?" I asked. "Honestly, we just need to make sure they're on our side."

I turned to see Damian staring at me. "Don't worry Drake, there's always the option of me taking them out in case of anything." I rolled my eyes. "Lil'D that won't be necessary." Dick awkwardly chuckled. We soon arrived in the cave and we all got out of the car to see the same two running around the cave. The two girls face palmed then told them to behave. "Okay, let's start. Introductions, who are you?"


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