Chapter 16 - The Auction

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Tim's POV

I escorted Marinette around the ballroom and introduced her to the guests. They really seemed to like her too, one even said that I chose the right girl to be my girlfriend. Mari and I both got flustered and broke out into a blush. We took a break at one of the snack bars and there we met Jason and Chloe. "Hey you two. Enjoying yourselves?" He asked. "Mhm. Yeah, what about you guys?" Mari replied with a question.

They both nodded and Chloe tried one of the macaroons. "Yours taste wayyyy better Mari." She giggled after Chloe's comment. "I didn't know you could bake." I said. "Mari could cook, bake, and make coffee. She's kinda like a master chef, y'know." I smiled and looked at her. Just then, Dick and Barbara appeared behind us with Damian. "Bruce said he wanted to talk with us." Dick informed us.

Jay and I looked back at our dates for confirmation but they were simply stuffing their faces with the snacks. We left and met up with Bruce who was waiting near the restrooms. "I've been hearing about an auction that's supposed to be held later tonight. And from asking around, It seems that some villains will be there either bidding or auctioning their items. I say we check it out."

"But what about Chloe and pixie?" Jason asked. "It will be safer to take them home first because it might be risky for them to be in the auction as well." Barbara replied. "Says the one in a wheelchair." Damian muttered. Knowing Marinette and Chloe, they might want to stay for the auctioning. Maybe, if there's something they like, Jay and I could bid for them but I highly doubt that.

"I say we let the two couples decide." Dick said. "I mean what's the worst that could happen? As far as I know, both girls have a sense of fighting. I say we should give them the opportunity to see how an auction works." This is why Dick is my favourite brother out of the three I have. "*sighs* Alright. But you'll be responsible for them if something goes wrong." Bruce finally agreed so Jay and I went to tell the girls.

We returned to the snack table but only saw Marinette talking with a lady I haven't seen before. Jay went to look for Chloe so I decided to see what was going on but before I could get to the table the lady left. "Who was that?" I asked in suspicion. Marinette shrugged, "I don't know. She seemed like a nice lady. Kinda looks like she could be Bruce's type too. Very proper lady and has a good figure. Hmm."

I took one last look at her before she disappeared within the crowd. "Did she ask you anything or told you something strange?" I further questioned. She nudged me in my arm, "What, worried about me? You know I'm smarter than that. She didn't say anything. She was just complimenting me on my dress is all. I think she also mentioned an auction..." My eyes widened, "She did, huh?"

She raised a brow, "Is something wrong, Tim? You seem tense." I shook my head as the music changed to a ballroom dance. "Wanna dance, cupcake?" I asked, grinning while holding out my hand. She took it, "Let's see how good you are, Timothy." She really makes everything seem like a competition. We found a space and positioned ourselves to dance. I could feel staring eyes on us but I didn't care.

"What's with that face?" she asked. I chuckled, "Nothing. You look breathtaking is all. I don't think I or anyone else could take their eyes off you." A little shade of blush appeared on her cheeks and it made me blush too. "Y-You look very h-handsome as well. I think they're all looking at you to be honest." I gave out a small laugh, "I highly doubt that. Hey, would you like to attend the auction with us?"

She looked surprised for a second before answering, "Are you sure I could come? I mean..-" "Don't worry about it. If you want something, I'll bid for you." I countered. "But..-" "I insist. It's fine, you worry too much." She pouted but then gave in. "Oh there's Jason and Chloe over there." I looked behind and saw them dancing not too far away from us. "I think Chloe will be coming too to the auction so you won't be alone."

Mari sighed, "If you say so.." I smirked, "Giving up so easily? Where's the real Marinette?" She squeezed my shoulder, "You idiot. I'm still here." "Haha. That hurts, cupcake. Ouch." The dance came to an end and the announcer stated.

"Ladies and Gentlemen. The auctioning will begin shortly. Those interested, please make your way to the grand staircase and the help will guide you to the Auctioning Hall. Thank you for cooperating and those who will be leaving, enjoy the rest of your night. Thank you for coming."

I met up with Bruce and the others and followed everyone to the grand staircase. We made it inside and the place was packed. But when I looked up, I noticed masked people looking down at us. I had a bad feeling about this. I really hope we don't regret this. We found our seats and we all sat next to each other, the girls alongside each other with Babs in the middle. The lights came off and another masked figure walked onto the stage.

"Welcome everyone to the Auction. We will have a variety of items and treasures on display and we hope you all find them to your liking. All biddings will go towards the funding of this Gala and the help. Without further ado, Let's get started."

The first item on display was a pearl found at the depth of one of the many trenches near Atlantis, then there was the biggest diamond I've ever seen, not only that but the eyes of an old ancient mogul dating back to 2 millennials. Where the hell did they find these things? After about what seemed to be an eternity another bidding started and what they brought out next surprised me.

"Next we have an old man with magical properties and the ability to jump through space. Authenticity, 100% true."

An entire person, what the..- That's when I glanced at Marinette and her face was frozen and so was Chloe's. They looked like they saw a ghost. "Hey, what's wrong?" I asked. She didn't answer but instead got up and walked out with Chloe following behind her. Did they..know him?

Marinette's POV

I can't believe it... We actually found him... My hands were shaking as I dialled Kagami.

Kagami: Hey Mari. How's the ball going?

Marinette: I-I... I think I just saw... The Guardian.

Kagami: What!?


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