Chapter 12 - Cupcake

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Tim's POV

I noticed Marinette over at a table for a while. Was something wrong? I tilted my head to get a better view only to see that the guy at the table was holding her by her wrist. "Hey beautiful. The coffee looks sweet but I think I might like you better." My eyes widened. Why did I feel so..infuriated and angry. "Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to let me go." Marinette replied calmly.

"Aww, c'mon sweetheart. I can take you out. We'll have a great time." he continued. I stood and made my way over but Marinette stopped me. "Excuse me sir, Please refrain from touching our waitress. We have a strict policy posted outside and inside the store saying exactly that." Alya spoke up. "There's also a policy stating that if we find you overbearing we are allowed to strike at our customer out of self defence." Kagami added.

The guy still didn't let go of her. "Aww, you little girls think you could take me on? Sweetheart, let's just take this outside, in here is too noisy to my liking." "Then please make an effort to show yourself out, sir." Marinette countered.

"C'mon man, it's not worth it, leave her be."

"We can always go to another shop."

The guy got up still holding Marinette and was about to walk off with her when I grabbed her other hand pulling her to me, "I think I've watched this long enough. Let her go, Idiot." He grit his teeth. "Timothy, step back please." She whispered. I sighed. If there's one thing I've learnt about the time where we used to fight, is that she actually knows how to. "Hah, sorry Wayne but..- Ahh!"

She switched the grip on his hand while grabbing his shirt and flipped him over her shoulder and slammed him on the floor. "I'm sorry sir but that was both an attempted kidnapping and assault. What I simply did was self defence, not only that but the cameras recorded everything. Hey, you two!" She called on his friends. "Show him and yourself out. While you're at it, read the printed policy outside."

The two other guys grabbed their friend and dragged him out the door. Marinette apologised to the other customers who simply just felt sorry for her and comforted her. "Aww, are you sad because you didn't get to save your little princess?" a teasing voice whispered in my ear. "Shut it, Luka." He chuckled and walked off. "Thanks Tim. Even though you really didn't do anything, you had my back."

I smiled only to realise, "You just called me Tim. Before you called me Timothy." She chuckled, "Don't make me regret it." And with that she went back to taking her orders. Damn, that girl is something else. I went back to my seat only to scream upon seeing my brothers there. "Ahh!!"

Tim: W-When did you guys..-

Jason: We were here watching the entire thing. Heh.

Damnian: Trying to be chivalrous, Drake? That's not a good look for you.

Tim: Shut your trap, demon. Says the one who walks around with *whispers* a katana.

Damian: Tt, be that as it may, I look way better than you just did.

Dick: Alright enough bickering. We don't want to embarrass ourselves.
So Timmy, you and blueberry aren't fighting anymore?

Tim: I don't think so.

Jason: Tim, it's a simple yes or no question.

Damian: It's obviously a no judging by the blush on his face when he just glanced at her.

Tim: Shut up, demon.

He stuck his tongue out at me but we all stopped upon hearing laughter behind us. "You guys never cease to amaze me. So, are you boys ordering or..?" Marinette asked. "I'm not a fan of sweets other than Pennyworth's cookies. Just water." Dick elbowed him. "Please.." She giggled. "And for you boys?" "The coffee jelly for me, please, blueberry." "The caramel marshmallow latte for me, pixie. Also, could we try the oreo cupcakes?" "Mhm. Coming right up."


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Chloe's POV

"So Mari *grins*~ How are things going between you and Tim? Hmm?" She flinched, putting her uniform in her locker. "I've seen the way you two act around each other now." She blushed lightly as I leaned against her. "Cupcake." Mari flinched upon hearing the name Kagami called her by. "How did you..-" "I've heard him call you that before. Is that his nickname for you now?" She questioned.

"Aww!! Mari!! He has a nickname for you!?!" I squealed. She slammed her door and hurriedly grabbed her things. "I'm going now!! See you guys later!!" And with that she rushed out to the parking lot. Hah..she's really something else. But I think I know why she's holding back. This isn't our world so any attachments might make it hard to leave when the time comes. She really needs to loosen up a bit.

The time came for our nightly patrol so we suited up and left. We met up with them at the meeting point and Batman informed us of the situation. "We scanned the area and found traces leading to the sewers." "Excuse me, to the where?" I asked in confirmation. "Clay Face and Killer Croc's biorhythms were were detected near this area in the sewers." If I thought Paris' sewers were filthy, Gothams' would've been the entire trash dump.

"Don't worry, Bee, it's not like you'll have to go into the sewage waters." Luka tried but failed to reassure me. This is unexceptable!


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