Chapter 7 - Wayne Manor

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Damian's POV

I left the others and went up to my room but in order to get there I needed to pass Drake's. The door was slightly opened and I didn't hear anything. I peeked in and saw them working separately. I hope they at least discussed what they were supposed to do. I was about to enter my room when I finally heard them speak. "For the presentation, shouldn't we add colour. Black and white wouldn't really appeal to others' eyes."

Drake responded, "This isn't an art project Marinette. This is research, not kiddy games." I rolled my eyes. The girl had a point though. You could always do commendable research in black and white but personalization also gains you extra marks. This is Drake's problem, he's too technical for my liking. "Yeah, but personalization gains you extra marks." the girl countered. See, I was right.

"Look, he may not have said it but that doesn't mean he didn't say not to. If we're doing this we have to put our best forward, in which case, that isn't you, Timothy." I peeked into the room again and saw them throwing a fit.

Tim: You think I'm not the best foot. Says the one who wants to focus on dazzling more than the research itself!

Marinette: No one wants a boring presentation and reader like you. Everyone would be asleep by the end of the first sentence which is THE ENTIRE FIRST PARAGRAPH!!

Tim: And here I thought we could actually get this done by tomorrow at least but it seems that I was mistaken!

Marinette: Well then here's the alternative; You do your boring research and I do the design and editing. How's that!?

I couldn't watch this anymore. I spotted Todd and Grayson on their way up the stairs and called them over. "Hey, the two 'partners' are fighting. Tell them to shut it or I'll bring out my katana. It's infuriating." I slammed the door to my room leaving them there. They're all idiots.

Dick's POV

Lil'D looked like he was deprived of sleep when he yelled at us. I knocked in the door and walked in with Jaybird behind me. "Hey you two, is everything ok?" They glared at me, "NO!!" they yelled simultaneously. "Well what's the problem?" "This jerk thinks that the boring old presentation is fine, but we could gain extra marks if we add colour into it. And some personality." Marinette argued first.

She does have a point. I remember doing this project but it wasn't assigned in pairs back when I was a first year. People did gain extra points but not all of them because the teacher picked favourites. "Well, I say the info is more important than the colour, but she doesn't seem to get that through her thick skull. I have two older brothers who went through this same thing and both never did that. In the end, they both passed."

Well, that's because I was injured after patrol two nights back and Jaybird...just didn't want to put in the effort... "Look, I was just too lazy and DickeyBird here was injured so in the end, I think you two should stop fighting like little adorable babies and get to work. If you spend most of your time arguing, then you'll score lower than me and that'll just be embarrassing." Jay intervened.

I sighed and said, "Okay, let's have Damian decide for you two then. Whatever picks, you two will do whether you like it or not. How does that sound?" Marinette scoffed, "Acceptable." I knocked on his door and saw him reading a book with Titus next to him. "Lil'D, which would you..-" He interjected, "Just put the damn colour, Grayson. I honestly couldn't care less about Drake." I awkwardly chuckled.

"Colour it is. I suggest you start now." I said. Tim groaned while rolling his eyes while Marinette snickered. "Oh and Jason, I'm waiting for the 'compensation'." Jason grinned, "Let's exchange numbers and I'll send them to you and when you leave and give you the other 'thing'." They pulled out their phones and Tim scrambled to stop Jay. "What The Hell Are You Two Plotting?!?"

Tim was defeated in the end and Marinette couldn't stop laughing. I looked over at Jaybird's phone to find all the Tim sleeping pics he takes sent to Marinette. Oh gosh, I thought he had them in his other cell. No wonder Tim didn't find out about it. "Thanks, Jason. Very much appreciated." she said with a smile. "No probs, pixie." "Don't call me that." I chuckled and patted Tim's back. "Don't worry, there's only two days of this."

He glared at me. I pulled Jay by his shirt out of the room. "Well, we'll leave you both to your project. Have fun."

Tim's POV

They left and I angrily turned to Marinette. She then smirked at me, "C'mon Timmy, let's add COLOUR to our presentation, black and white." I grit my teeth as I stomped past her. "You win some, you lose some, Timothy. Haha." she laughed. I felt my eye twitch uncontrollably. How could someone be more insufferable than demon!? I groaned and she giggled.

I began to type up the research along with the additional one Marinette gave me and I was honestly surprised to say the least. It took me a good hour to prepare everything while Marinette just sat around looking through all the stupid photos and laughing. "Alright, now come and do your stupid personalization." She giggled and patted my shoulder, "Don't worry about. I'll make it look more dashing than you."

She sat down and started editing the presentation along with emailing it to herself since we were working from my computer. "Alright and done. If you want I could bring my laptop to present on Wednesday. We should also review the work and practice the presentation so that we know it by heart." I nodded. "Alright then. I'm out. Peace, mister drooler. Haha." As soon as she closed my door, I sprinted over to Jason's room and caught him on his bed. I jumped on it and began to slap him over and over again.

Jason: Hey-Hey!! What the f*ck man!!

Tim: How dare you send those photos to Marinette!!

Jason: Oh, thanks for reminding me. I have to send her the extra stuff!

Tim: Dumba**!!

Damian: I'm betting 1,000 dollars on Todd.

Dick: We're not betting! We have to stop them.

Bruce: I'm betting 1,500 dollars on Tim.

Damian: Hah, we'll see Father.

Jason/Tim: Stop betting on us!!


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