Chapter 21 - Kidnapped

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Dick's POV

I kept calling Tim but he wouldn't answer any of my calls. It was almost time for patrol and we all needed to be down in the cave in a few minutes. "Hey Jay, where's Timmy?" I asked him as he walked past my door. "He went over to pixie's. He isn't back yet?" I shook my head. "Well, I guess he'll be missing patrol then." I followed him and Lil'D down to the Batcave to see Bruce already there checking the time.

Dick: They aren' yet..?

Bruce: No. Where's Tim?

Damian: He went out with his companion today.
Could be getting down dirty.

Jason: How Could You Say That Demon Spawn!?!?!?

Damian: What? Think I'm wrong Todd? Or did you want the same with yours?

Jason: You little..-

Dick: Alright Alright. Cut it out, you two. Bruce?

Bruce: *sighs* We'll wait 5 minutes then head out.

The minutes passed by so fast and when they didn't come and Tim, we left in the Batmobile and went to the usual meeting place and parked. "Batman?" We turned around and saw three hooded figures. "Who are you?" he asked with caution. "We're the heroes you've been working with and our leader has been kidnapped along with the other miraculouses. And I think they also took away your sidekick." What!? The one that spoke pulled out a piece of paper that read.

-If you want to see your friend, and your sidekick Batman, Meet us at this location at 20:00 hrs unarmed. We're willing to make a trade.-

Bruce gritted his teeth and took the paper from them. "Since we don't have our miraculouses, we can't transform to help you." The second hooded figure spoke. Jason looked shocked then walked up to them and pulled them aside into a nearby alley. "Are you all stupid. It's pretty obvious who the kidnapped persons are." Damian commented in an annoyed tone. "Well there's no fooling the assassin.." the third one groaned as they removed their hoods. "Holy-"

Jason's POV

I pulled one of the hooded figures aside and into an alley. I removed my hood and they stopped me before I could remove my mask. "W-Wait, what are you..-" "You know who I am right. Chloe." There was silence until she spoke up, "Are you disappointed that it was me?" I pinched her chin, faced her to me and kissed her passionately. I pulled away and grinned. "Not as disappointed as I would have been if you were of me. Are you secretly wishing that I was someone else?"

She shook her head and blurted, "I-I was actually happy it..was you.. When we stumbled upon that note we kinda pieced the dots together and well I..was surprised at first but then it kinda made sense since I felt a connection with both sides of you." I chuckled, "Which do you like better?" She pouted as I removed her hood. "I couldn't possibly decide." I laughed, "I'm only teasing Chlo. Thanks for accepting me."

She smiled and removed my mask then kissed me briefly before I pulled her in for another kiss. She pulled and placed her index finger over my lips, "Let's get back before you get too caught up and want to go further." I chuckled as I put back on my mask and hood and walked back with Chloe to see the others already discussing a plan. "Are you two finally down making out? We had time to actually come up with a plan." Luka teased.

I punched him playfully on his shoulder as he chuckled. Bruce found the location and Dick did some research. It was an abandoned warehouse with over 15 floors and the reason why the project was shut down was because of a foreign substance that was detected by the official overseers. "We're going to do some reconnaissance first to see what we're dealing with before going in. Until then we plan our attack further." Bruce explained.

"Alright. We will get them back and then...we'll go planned..." Go home? What was she..? I glanced at Chloe who looked away and Luka frowned as Kagami's eyes saddened. "What are you..-" "Okay. Boys you sit on top, you three, you're inside with me. Let's move out." Bruce instructed. What did she mean by 'go home'?


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