New Life

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Marinette's POV

Years have passed and Chloe was right, my business did take off and now MDC is one of the top fashion industries in the world. "Hey cupcake. I know you're working hard but it's time for lunch." I sighed and got up off my chair as Tim kissed my forehead. "And to give you a little more motivation...Jason and Chloe are back from their trippp.." He grinned while my eyes lit up.

I grabbed his hand and ran down the stairs in the mansion only to stop short. There in the dining hall was Chloe and Jason. "Mari-bug!!" "Queenie!!" We ran up and hugged each other tightly while jumping around and screaming. "You have to tell me everything!" She giggled, "Of course. And I brought souvenirs and a little surprise..." We stopped and turned to Jason. "I'm pregnant."

My jaw dropped along with Dick's while Tim, Barbara, Cassie and Steph looked surprised. "Y-You're..pregnant..?" She nodded. "THAT MEANS I'M GOING TO BE AN AUNTY!!!!" I yelled in pure delight. "I call dibs on being the godmother..-" "That's not fair! I wanted to be the godmother!" Cassie and Steph argued. Chloe and I laughed.

Tim: You couldn't have waited after marriage huh?

Jason: What's that supposed to mean?

Barbara: Ehh, I just hope it's another girl.

Bruce: Sigh, I'm too young to be a grandfather.

Damian: Once I get a young sparring partner then I'm fine.

Jason/Tim: No!

Dick: Alright, Alright. This means celebrations are in order.

"..- No, I want to be the godmother!" "I said it first!" They continued. "Alright, alright, You can both be the godmothers." Chloe stated. "I'll be the better one." Cassie glared at Stephanie so I decided to break things up. "How about we do a little bit of shopping. My treat." They agreed and we grabbed our things before leaving only to see the boys following us.

Marinette: Uhh...only girls, idiots.

Jason: What!? But I want to accompany my future wife on your little outing.

Chloe: It's fine, Red. We'll be careful, plus, I have Pollen.

Marinette: Tim, you too.

Tim: Why can't I come?

Stephanie: Is your gender identified as a girl?

Tim: No but..-

Cassie: Exactly.

Marinette: Later!

We got in and drove off to the Mall. We had so much fun..even if Chloe did have to use the bathroom more than a few times but it was great. We bought some clothing for Chloe, had lunch, a little more shopping and we ended it off with some sweets. We got back home and as soon as we opened the door Jason came rushing towards Chloe, picked her up and ran upstairs to what I presume to be his room.

"How was it?" Tim asked. "It was great. We did some shopping and ate while we were there." He and Dick helped us with the bags and a few hours later, we had patrol. I went upstairs to my room and settled down when Tikki looked out the window. "Tikki, is everything okay?" I asked. She didn't respond. I walked up to her and tapped her head. "Sorry Marinette. I was just..thinking... Can you transform?"

I raised a brow, "Sure.. But why? Is something about to happen?" She shook her head. I sighed and transformed as Tim walked in. "Spots On." That's when I heard my bug-phone ring. "Is Chloe calling?" I shook my head. "I don't think so. It says...'Unknown'." I answered it and I felt my world tremble. "Maman, Papa..."

Chloe's POV

"Are you sure you're okay to be going out on patrols? What if something happens?" I chuckled, "Stop Jay. It's alright to be active in the earlier stages of pregnancy." I reassured him. Just then Tim exited the elevator and came up to me. "Mari needs you up in her room." He looked really worried. I transformed before Jason grabbed my wrist. "What's wrong with pixie?"

Tim rolled his eyes as I calmed Jason down. "Don't worry. I'll go check up on her, y' a miraculous thing." He narrowed his eyes as Tim muttered, "Trust me on this." I left then and was on my way up to the elevator.

Damian: Not even I would trust you with your staff in your hands, Drake.

Tim: Shut up, demon.

I knocked on her door then opened it slowly to see her transformed and her eyes were watering. She held her bug-phone tightly in her hands as I sat next to her only for the tears to leave my eyes in less than a second. "Daddy, Mom.. Is that really you..?" I let out quiet sniffs as Daddy sighed in relief and next to him were Tom and Sabine Master Fu along with a transformed Alya.

"It turns out that we can still communicate using our weapons. Isn't this amazing!?" Alya exclaimed. Mari and I spent the entire night talking to our family while the guys went on patrol by themselves. We spent hours just talking and asking about everyone else. Adrien went to live in London now with his Aunt and his stuid, ridiculous, rip-off cousin Felix but thankfully Master caught him in time before the train left so I guess he was reunited with Plagg.

It was already after 11 almost 12 when we decided to call it a night. "Alright girls, be safe." "Chloe my dear, be careful now that you're carrying a child, alright!?" Daddy yelled. I giggled with a nod and we ended the call to hear a knock on the door seconds after. It was Tim and Jason. "I explained everything to them. How did it go?" Tim queried. Mari and I smiled. "It was Miraculous."

9 months passed like a breeze and I finally gave birth to a gorgeous baby girl. Jay and I named her Artemis which Damian surprisingly liked because he thought she was named after the 'Twin of Apollo'. We actually named her after Jay's old friend who passed away in battle a while back. A year later Jay and I got married and when it was time for the bouquet toss, I paused and directly gave it to Mari and turned her around to see Tim down on one knee.

And Mari agreed almost immediately and got married the next year. Life in Gotham was going amazing. Mari's business embraced new heights, and so did Bruce's. Tim also opened his own coffee shop right next to Mari's shop aka the old coffee shop Alya and Nino owned. Everything was perfect. About 5 years later I was blessed with another baby, a boy, and his name was Peter after Jay. And 2 years later, Mari had her first child, a girl and they named her Daina.

I'm glad I made this choice because if I hadn't, I wouldn't have met such wonderful people and had two beautiful, and adorable kids to call my own, not to mention my friend right beside me. This new life will continue to do wonders.


~Thanks you guys so much for reading this fanfic. The requestor of this book, I really hoped you, and the other readers enjoyed it.

~Thanks for the likes, reads, comments and your support in following me. It really means a lot.

~Well that's all my lovelies. Good night and Bug Out!!


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