Chapter 10 - Working the Café

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Jason's POV

Pixie came over again today to help Timmy with their project. I think they were practising the presentation for tomorrow. I checked up on them to see that they were reading it over and over and memorising it. Sigh. "Is something wrong, Jason?" Tim asked. I shook my head, waving my hand, "Nah, just checking up on the two love birds." They began to yell at me as I went to my bedroom, closing the door.

Moments later, my door opened and Dick came in with a plate of cookies which I presumed to be from Alfred. "Thanks, Dickeybird." "I'm gonna give these to the partners." I followed him in again and they glared at me. "Uhh, does anyone want cookies? Alfred made a batch." He asked. Pixie tried one and her eyes lit up just like last time. "Tell Alfred I said thanks a mil. again." Tim rested the plate on his desk then shooed us out.

About an hour later, we all saw them walking towards the front door about to leave. "Bye boys. Bye Mr. Wayne. Thanks for having me." We all said goodbye and when Timmy came back Dick questioned him, "So, how was it?" He raised a brow, "How was what?" "Your practice. Did you guys do anything else?" I asked with a grin. He slapped the back of my head, "No we didn't!"

"Hey Bruce, don't you think they'll make a great couple one day?" Dick asked Bruce. We all looked at him as he flipped his newspaper. "I don't see why not. She has incredible manners and has a talent of absorbing information on the go. She even understood some of the business and suggested other ways to make profits. One of you will do, it doesn't have to be Tim..or Damian (since he is younger than her)."

Tim blushed as the rest of us laughed but flinched upon hearing a voice behind us. "What is this I'm hearing?" We trend around to see Damian with his arms folded. "Don't worry Damian, we were discussing Tim's relationship with his partner." "T-There is no relationship!!" Damian countered, "Tt, even I could see it, Drake. You're so innocent, it's almost cynical." And they broke into a fight after that...

Tim's POV

The presentation went well the next day and we actually gained extra points. We returned to our seats and I glanced back at her as she high-fived Chloe and Kagami. She really is something... School ended and the four left to go to the café. I met up with my brothers and after they got out of the limo, I told the driver to take me to the café. He dropped me off then left as I entered the shop.

But I only saw Chloe and Luka. That's when I saw Marinette and Kagami pop out from behind wearing roller skates. I took my seat and Marinette rolled over. "What can I get you?" I raised a brow, "What's with the skates?" She answered, "Two of the others aren't here at the moment so we're trying to pick up the slack and seeing as there are a lot of people, well, we improvised. Your order?"

I thought to myself then sighed, "If you don't mind, maybe I could help you guys." She narrowed her eyes, "Why would you want to work here?" I stood up, "I don't. It's just for the day. Plus...I kinda owe it to you for the project.." She looked at me with widened eyes. I walked past her then asked the manager. "Ms. Cesaire, may I work here for a shift?" Her mouth dropped open, "W-Why!?!" "Because..I want to.." She smiled and told Luka to get me changed to the back.

I came out and both Marinette and Chloe laughed. "W-What..?" I muttered, blushing in embarrassment. "Nothing." And just like that, they began snapping photos of me. "Oh, I have to send this to Jason." "W-What!?! No!!" She giggled, "And send." I felt my world crumble to ash. "Anyways, the job is simple. Go to a table (make sure to memorise each one), take the order, give it to Alya or Rose and they'll give you back the orders."

Marinette explained it in short terms which made it sound easier than it really is. I sighed heavily. I went over to my first table and the girls began to giggle and fawn over me. This is why I don't get jobs. "What can I get you three?" "Your number please." one of them begged. I heard a chuckle behind me and I spun around to see Marinette skate pass me. They finally ordered and I gave the order to the Rose girl. "Why don't you come see how it's made."

I walked behind the counter and saw her and Alya making everything, even with the amount of customers, their multitasking was incredible. The order was ready and Alya also gave Kagami an order as well as Marinette. And just like that, I adjusted. I had to admit, it was fun. I finished one shift and damn, I was tired. Marinette, Chloe, Kagami and Luka had to work overtime to make up for the others.

After their second shift, I got to meet Juleka, Ivan, Milene and Sabrina. They were all really nice people. This shop just had an amazing aura inside it, filled with happiness, joy, laughter. I was about to leave when Marinette skated in front of me, blocking my way while holding a bag, "Thanks for the help today. A reward for your hard work." "Whoa, whoa, whoa. I don't need a reward, I was just helping..-"

"Yeah you were but you were also here for a coffee weren't you?" Alya exclaimed

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"Yeah you were but you were also here for a coffee weren't you?" Alya exclaimed. I gave in and took the bag and I saw two of my favourites. "Mari picked out the drinks for you. There's also a little extra something. Hehe." Luka said as he cleared the table. "Luka!!" She even remembered my favourite drinks... "Thanks Marinette. It was fun working here." "Feel free to come to work again!" Rose yelled.

I left the shop and was about to call the limo when Marinette pulled up in front. "Want a lift back home?" I walked up to the car and spoke through the window. "Tryna kidnap me?" I grinned. She rolled her eyes, "Yes or no, Timothy?" I chuckled and opened the door, getting in. She drove off and we stopped at the red light.

Tim: Hey, I didn't know you could skate.

Marinette: Oh heavens no. I learned last night while preparing for the presentation.

Tim: Wait, really?

Marinette: But I guess it's not that different from ice skating. That I can do. Did you like working there? You kinda got your feet wet.

Tim: *chuckles* I'll admit, it was pretty hard but I managed. It was fun working with you and the others. Maybe I should do it again.

The light turned green and she started driving again. This was like getting my feet wet, immersing myself in a new environment. I actually enjoyed it. Whenever I'm around you, I always seem to learn new things and come out of my shell. Things I could never learn on my own. "Thanks." "What for?" she asked. "Nothing, just felt like saying it."


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