Part 27: Boring hospital

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Brick woke up from his nap feeling really antsy. He desperately wanted to walk somewhere, but he knew he shouldn't. He decided to tell Jo about this, and she felt kinda bad.

Jo looked at Brick and put an arm on his shoulder, "I know it's hard to be stuck in bed, but your leg needs to heal."

"Yeah I know, Jo, but it sucks to be stuck here."

"At least you are stuck here with me", Jo said, seductively.

Jo kissed Bricks lips and then sat back down. Brick blushed a tiny bit before feeling a lot of pain in his leg.

"Oww! My leg hurts again!" Brick said, moaning and trying to not be too loud.

Jo phoned Marci and gave Brick another kiss.

"I called Marci. She said that she's coming right after she helps a pregnant woman open her baby formula packet." Jo reassured Brick, "Someone is coming to help you."

Brick was thankful for Jo's help, "Thanks, Jo."

A few minutes later, Marci arrived.

"What's going on, Brick? Do you need anything?" Marci asked.

"My leg hurts a lot." Brick complained, "I don't know why but it's really painful."

"Let me give you some IV meds and then you should be ok," Marci told Brick.

She then went over to the mini fridge near the sink in Bricks' room, and she grabbed an IV bag from the top row. Then, she hooked it up to the IV machine, and she rolled the machine over to Brick's bed.

"Can you roll up your sleeve for me? On your right arm?" Marci said patiently.

Brick rolled his right sleeve up and Marci moved the IV machine closer to his bed. She then stuck the needle into his arm, and then she put a piece of medical tape over that spot to help keep the IV in place. Then, she injected some saline water into Bricks IV, and then attached the bag of meds to the IV tube.

"Oww! That stings!" Brick groaned.

Jo began to feel uncomfortable while she was watching Brick go through a lot of pain. It made her upset seeing Brick like this.

Jo was scared and Anxious, but she didn't wanna just leave brick, because she loved him too much, and he needed her badly in this moment.

Jo decided to check in on Brick, "Are you feeling okay? I'm really worried about you!"

"Brick should be okay. Don't worry Jo." Marci reassured.

"Anyways, before I go do you need anything else?" Marci asked.

"That's all," Brick replied.

After that, Marci said goodbye to Brick, and then left to infom Bricks doctor that he got IV meds due to some leg pain he was having.

"It's so agonizing to see you in pain like this. I feel really horrible. I should've known better than to let you sit in that wobbly and unstable bar seat. I knew something was gonna go badly." Jo said, almost about to cry at this point.

"Jo, it's not your fault."

"But I could've prevented you from falling!" Jo said, now fully crying.

"Don't blame yourself. You did nothing wrong. I was just dumb and I chose to sit on the wobbly seat and not the other seat next to you."

Jo didn't like that Brick was putting himself down, "Don't blame yourself! You are NOT dumb!"

"That's not what my dad said when I informed him of my accident." Brick said, followed by an uncomfortable laugh.

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