Part 38: Not expecting...

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It was a random Tuesday night a few months later, and Jo was sitting on the couch. She hadn't had a period in 7 weeks, and she didn't know what was going on. She also had noticed that over the past 4 days, she had been throwing up periodically, and she had experienced constant sleepiness throughout the day the past Sunday. Jo knew something was off, and so she decided to tell Brick.

"Hey, Brick? As you know, I've been feeling really nauseous, tired, and moody. Also, I've gone 7 weeks without a period! Also, I've been craving olives, Fanta, poppyseed bagels with only lettuce on top,  and cheddar cheese. And, I hated olives up until now." Jo said, worried about these new changes.

"Um... Jo?" Brick said, kinda concerned.

"What? Why do you seem worried/concerned?"

"Well, my sister experienced all of these things during both of her two pregnancies, except for her cravings, which were Pepsi, onion rings, and avocados, and during her 2ed pregnancy, it was all the same stuff, but also mangos with mustard on top were added, and she wasn't crraving Pepsi this time. Also, cravings are very well known to be related to pregnancy, and since you HATED olives before these cravings started, I'm worried that you might be pregnant." Brick said, with a tense tone.

"I'm afraid you might be correct. What should I do? I don't want kids!" Jo said, almost crying.

Brick gave Jo a big hug, and he stroked her hair.

"Well, first, you should go to our local drug store and buy a pregnancy test, and then, we should decide what to do from there." brick said, trying to soothe and calm Jo down.

"Well, since I'm in a bit of pain, can you go get the test?"

Brick agreed and walked to their local drugstore. He purchased 2 tests, and he came home. Jo took one of the tests and peed on the provided strip. Then, she placed the strip on the white area of the test, and after 5 minutes, 2 lines appeared. Jo stared at the results with a devasted look on her face. Her worst fears were confirmed. Also, to make matters worse, Jo had no idea how she got pregnant. Jo and brick were extremely careful to always use protection when doing anything that carried an STD/STI/pregnancy risk, and Jo had been very carefully tracking her periods using the calendar on their bedroom wall, using a * symbol to indicate when she had a PMS. 

"Brick? I need you to look at the test. I-it's positive!" Jo said, crying.

"Jo? What do you propose we do? I've been doing some research into our local abortion clinics, and it looks like we have 2 centers within 8 miles of each other, with one of them being only 3 miles away. Do you wanna see when they have appointments available?" Brick said, comforting Jo.

'I don't know. But I'm still trying to figure out HOW I even got pregnant in the first place. I mean, we ALWAYS use protection whenever necessary, and we have never had intercourse with anyone else, so I'm just confused about how this happened," Jo said, still crying.

Brick walked over to Jo, rubbing her back and sitting next to her, on the rug in front of the toilet.

"I have no clue, but when you went to that bar 9 weeks ago, and you showed up home at 11:20, who was the guy that dropped you off?" Brick asked Jo.

"This older french guy bought me a drink at the bar, and we chatted.  He then bought me another drink, but I had used the bathroom when about half of the drink was left, and when I came back, the drink was ever so slightly foggier than it was before, but I didn't think anything of it. I don't remember much after that, other than him offering to drive me home because I was drunk, but saying that he wanted to watch a movie with me first, and I chose the movie Mars Attacks which he agreed to. Also, I remember this guy had 2 fluffy orange cats, and one f them had a collar that was purple with a black bowtie on it, and the other cat was wearing an orange camo print bandana and a pink collar with a silver heart-shaped charm on the front. Due to the drugs I was on when he spiked the drink, he may have coerced me into doing adult stuff without me being fully aware of what was going on. Also, due to the memory-warping effects of the drugs, I don't remember anything else from that night, other than me ringing the doorbell at 11:20 and you noticed I was impaired, and you giving me hangover meds and helping me drink water, putting a barf bag next to my side of the bed." Jo replied, finally fully recalling the strange events from 9 weeks ago.

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