Part 28: Truth or dare

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Jo and Brick were at home about 3 weeks later on a Sunday. Brick wanted to get out of the house, but he had to be on bed rest for another 2 more days.

"Jo? I'm bored. Know any games?" Brick asked Jo.

"How about the good ol' truth or dare?"

"Ok! Brick said, "I'll go first. Give me a truth."

"Is it true that I was your first girlfriend?" Jo asked.

"Yes. My parents were very anti-dating until I was 18 or older. Besides, I'm glad I never dated, because I may have not found you." Brick answered.

"I'll do a dare," Jo said to Brick.

"Draw on your white dress, and use a sharpie."

"Easy. I'll add a wave pattern to the bottom with a blue sharpie." Jo said, nervous but not willing to fail.

Jo then added a blue wave pattern to the bottom of her dress, and it turned out really cool.

"I'll do another truth." Brick said to Jo.

"Wimp, but whatever. How did you learn about sex?" Jo asked Brick.

"This may sound really shocking, but due to my sheltered upbringing, and my mom pulling me out of HS sex ed by not turning in the form allowing me to attend, I learned about it from you. I grew up being told that sex is a sinful act that should only be done after marriage and that it should only be done to have kids. Oh and my parents are huge homophobes, so try to not out yourself unless you wanna ruin your relationship with them, and be ghosted for life." Brick said to Jo.

"Ok wow, that was a lot. Did you know ANYTHING prior to meeting me?"

"Well, I knew what a condom was, and I learned about masturbation, as a "loophole to sex" which I took advantage of when I had my own place. I went to Love Power a lot to buy lube, and I'd use my back massager, a sock, and some lube to have fake sex in order to bend the rules. Oh, and despite liking you, I never asked you out, because my parents always told me that the woman is supposed to be the one to ask the man, and then the man proposes to the woman once they have bonded. Oh and also, breakups and divorce are both HUGE sins. I internalized all of these harmful messages way too much. Oh and I forgot to add that I was constantly told that a penis under 5 inches would make your girl leave you, so my 4-inch penis upset me." Brick said back.

"I'm gonna pick Truth as well," Jo said.

"Describe these 3 things about me in 1 sentence each. My dick,  my bedroom performance, and my personality." Brick said, seductively.

"Your dick is extremely hot. One time I lasted 2 minutes before already cumming, because you were just so amazing, and so I had us go again like 2 more times. Oh and you are amazing, and it's not like we didn't spend an entire day discussing this 3rd one while you were hospitalized." Jo said, madly in love with Brick.

Brick was so flattered, "Dare."

"Strip me and try to resist touching me as long as you can." Jo teased, making brick blush wildly.

"I'm gonna instantly fail this," Brick said, seductively.

"Why? Are you desperate?" Jo mocked.

"We haven't had proper sex (or done anything sexual) since what we did at the hospital 3 weeks ago, and I'm very eager to do something. Can I have a different dare?" Brick asked Jo.

"Fine, but this one still requires me to be naked." Jo teased.


"Try to make me cum in under 10 minutes. You can be on top so I don't hurt your leg." Jo said.

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