part 42: love again

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It was 2 weekends later. And Brick was at home, feeling bored and slightly lonely. His wife, Jo was at the outdoor mall with her friend, and she had already been gone for 4 hours.

"When will my babe be home?" Brick sighed.

All of a sudden, the door opened and Jo arrived home with 2 bags.

Jo, elated, said, "I got you some new jeans since you said your current 3 pairs are too big on you."

"Thank you, Jo! Also, how was the mall?"

"Oh, it was great! I got you those pants from pants outlet, and I got a hoodie from Roseland Jaxon, which is an awesome clothing store! I also got some tea from herbs+, which is a Latino-owned tea shop that my friend recommended. I also got some Boba from BobaBros, who has a location within the mall now. It now has 5 locations in total! I remember when they only had that booth at our local farmers' market! That was only 3 years ago!" Jo gushed.

"Sounds like you had a great time!" Brick commented.

"So, what did you do while I was out?" Jo asked.

"I waited for you. No, really. That's all I did. ESPN is airing some figure skating match, which I'm not that into, so I had nothing to do."

Jo, in a naughty voice, said, "Well, I'm home now."

"What'ya wanna do?" Brick replied.

Jo gave brick a brief kiss on the cheek, "Maybe make-"

All of a sudden, Brick's phone rang.

"Lemme take this call," Brick said.

When Brick answered the phone, it was his mom. 

"Hey, Brick? I wanted to ask when you are gonna have kids. It must be lonely being stuck together without anyone to keep you company. I mean I feel bored being stuck with your annoying father at times, and I'm sure you feel the same about Jo."

"Actually I don't. I really love her, and I never feel anything negative about her. Also, if you really hate dad, just divorce him. You've always resented him, and you are not required to stay with him."

"DIVORCE IS AGAINST THE BIBLE!" Brick's mom shouted from the other end of the phone.

"Gees, mom, You don't need to shout."

"Also, not having kids is also a sin. You NEED a family to be truly happy." Brick's mom firmly stated.

"Jo and I are perfectly happy without the burden of raising annoying kids. We have each other and that's enough. Also, I don't even believe in god or church, and I only had a Christian wedding to prevent dad from causing a big scene at the wedding. Jo didn't want all of the Christian stuff to be added in, but I convinced her by informing her of how crazy dad is."

"He just wants you to be pure and holy. That's all. And besides, doing adult stuff without the intent to have kids is also a sin, and I hope you and Jo are both virgins since you haven't given life into this world." Brick's mom reassured.

Brick let out an uncomfortable laugh, "Yeah... um... we have remailed pure this whole time. We've totally never gone farther than kissing..."

"Oh, can I talk to Jo?" She asked on the phone.

Brick handed his phone to Jo, and she said Hi.

"So I was just talking to my son about you guys having kids. I don't know why you are so anti-kids. Don't you want a family? And a happy life together? You'll never be truly happy unless you have kids."

"I'm sorry, but this convo is making me uncomfortable. Can I give the phone back to Brick?"

"Rejecting gods gift for a fam-" Brick's mom was cut off when Jo hung up on her out of anger.

"What's going on?" brick asked, sensing anger from Jo.

"Your mom tried to push the stupid kid's agenda again. I HATE this stuff! I don't want kids, and neither do you! Can't we just be happy together without your parents constantly begging for more than 2 grandkids? is your sister's family not enough!?" Jo complained.

"Well, she was born in 1958, when people were raised to think that you HAD to have kids to be happy. She also was forced into a strict church, where that narrative was pushed even harder. She gave birth to my sister at the age of 27. Also, she was forced into an arranged marriage, hence why she doesn't really vibe well with her husband. These harmful things are sadly trickling down onto us, but luckily we are smart enough to understand why we don't need to conform to them."

"I know, but this is all she'll ever talk to me about, at least until I give birth. My mom at least told me that she doesn't care if I have kids because happiness matters most. Also, my dad said that he is fine without any grandkids because his next-door neighbor is a 30-year-old single mother with 2 daughters, who my dad babysits every Tuesday when their mom has her yoga class. He says he does it for free because he likes the kids, and they bake him cookies which he always enjoys." Jo said, "But I just wish your family was as normal as mine."

"I know, Babe. How about we take a break from this convo since it's really stressing you out? I think you wanted to make out before this call. Still in the mood?" Brick asked, feeling amorous.

"I would love that" Jo passionately whispered into Brick's left ear.

Brick then carried Jo to their bedroom, and they both took off their shirts and began making out. About 20 minutes later, they decided to stop and order lunch. Jo called up Siñor Mateos Tacos, and she ordered herself a chicken tamale, and brick ordered 2 fish tacos and a side of rice and beans. After they ate lunch, they decided to go for a drive around the city. 

Maybe you don't need kids to be happy?

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