Part 50: Robbery

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It was a cloudy Tuesday afternoon, and Jo was shopping for groceries at Safeway. She stopped in the dairy isle to grab some milk and yogurt, and After grabbing her milk and her containers of strawberry, mango, and blackberry yogurt, she added them to her basket and walked over to the produce isle. She grabbed a bunch of bananas, (with 7 bananas in the bunch) 4 apples, and 8 apricots, because she knew Brick loved them, and 2 lemons. After checking her phone to see if brick had texted her, she resumed shopping, after she didn't see any texts from him.

Then, she grabbed a bag of baby carrots, 4 cucumbers, and 2 red onions. After she grabbed that, she went into the frozen foods isle, and grabbed a box of lemon flavored popsicles, 2 frozen pepperoni pizzas, and 2 boxes of frozen blueberries, to satisfy Brick's new "after a workout smoothie" obsession. Then, she grabbed a loaf of whole wheat bread from the bread isle, a bag of mini poppyseed bagels, along with 2 bags of tortillas, and she then went to the canned goods isle. She grabbed 3 cans of Campbells chicken noodle soup, 2 cans of the tomato soup from that brand, and 2 cans of tuna. Then, after grabbing 2 jars of Kosher pickles, and a jar of olives, she went over to the fresh fish area, and asked the butcher for a 1/2 pound of fresh salmon. She then went to the register with her shopping cart, and then paid. 

Once she got to her car, with her 2 bags of groceries, she noticed something scary. The lefthand backseat window was broken into. Glass was all over the inside of the car, and her expensive Lululemon blazer was missing from the usual "thrown into the back of the car in the hopes it lands on a seat and not in the darn trunk for the 1,000,000th time." as Jo would say. Jo also noticed the glove box was wide open, and the $7 worth of quarters and three $5 bills were also missing. She usually keeps any spare cash in a hidden compartment of the glove box in case she needs it, or needs to feed a meter. Jo also noticed that her cheep $10 emergency umbrella she keeps in the trunk was missing as well. It was a nice portable umbrella that was blue with yellow polka dots, and easily able to fit inside a big purse. It also had a magnetic handle, perfect for hanging, and it was made 100% cruelty free.

After panicking for a good 10 minutes, Jo ran back into the store and went up to a cashier.

"Sir? My car was broken into! Did you see anyone suspicious coming into your store?" Jo asked, panicked.

"Well, miss, I don't think I've seen anything. Have you asked your Husband for help? I don't think you should be handling this alone on your own. Especially as a women and-" He got cut off by Jo.

"I don't have time for your condescending 'help' when my car was f*cking robbed!" Jo was really mad at this point.

"Ma'am, please calm down. We need to be respectful to the other patrons of out store. I know this is a scary thing, but yelling won't solve anything."

Jo was agitated by now with the old man, "Well since you are unwilling to help me, I'm going to ask someone else." 

"Ma'am, Let me handle-" He got cut off again by Jo

"You are NOT helping. I don't need your input." Jo huffed as she stormed off to talk to another employee.

"Ma'am? My car got broken into and the old dude over there won't help me. Did a sus man walk into the store earlier today? Within the last hour and a half?" Jo asked, speaking quickly and in an agitated voice.

"Ma'am I only bag groceries here. I wouldn't have noticed if someo-" She was cut off.

"DID YOU SEE A SUSPICIOUS MAN ENTER OR NOT!?" Jo was really mad by this point.

"Ma'am, as I already sai-"

Jo was furious by now, and she couldn't contain her anger, "DID YOU SEE A SUSPICIOUS MAN ENTER THIS STORE OR NOT?!"

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