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( CHAPTER LVI: denial. )


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𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐃𝐀𝐘, 𝐃𝐄𝐂𝐄𝐌𝐁𝐄𝐑 𝟗, 𝟏𝟗𝟗𝟒.  '
metropolis recording studio ━━━ corpus christi, texas !

    THE SEASON FILLED WITH holiday cheer, joy, love and overall peace all around had officially rolled in. But only this time, Milani wasn't too geeked over the month like she usually would have been. The festive season consisted of her twenty first birthday, her daughter's first birthday, Christmas then New Years.

The month was significantly meant to bring in lots of happiness you could possibly ever endure within the last four weeks left of the current year before entering a new year, with hopefully a better start.

But for Milani, it seemed as if her life was slowly and too steadily falling apart as the days rolled by. Within the last couple months, between splitting with DeVanté, the death of her best friend, the near-fatal shooting to Tupac a little over two weeks ago, and the separation to her father, she was in hurt and complete shambles.

It seemed as if the only people who could help Milani from losing her sanity was her daughter, who was on the verge of turning one in just two weeks. The little infant didn't know it, but she kept Milani steady in life. She gave her motivation to continue on, the sweet, precious face Milani would stare for hours on end.

Every choice she made, she knew it would have an effect on Malia's life rather at that given moment or later in life. So, she tried her best to make the best choices possible for her and her daughters.

Currently, she was in the studio with Jimmy Jam, Terry Lewis and Quincy Jones. Quik was also accompanied in the studio with her for emotional support due the fact that she was hitting the emotional songs on her album, before he flew back to LA to finish his up the DeathRow camp.

After talking that night, the two hadn't established an official relationship due to the state Milani was in, but they were both assured of each other's feelings. Quik assured her he'd be there when she was ready.

Milani felt she was moving much too fast if she had ushered herself into another relationship, freshly out of a three year long one with DeVanté, four months ago.

"Alright Milani, you ready to lay the rest of this track? Only this time, I want you to start digging deeper into the feel of these words. Although, I know that won't be hard for you." Terry instructed, before gathering her previous recording to add onto it. Milani inhaled a deep breath before releasing a heavy exhale.

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