Chapter 11

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Sana surprisingly find herself interested to the food and to the topic Minhyun opened with her. He was talking about academic decathlon which Sana will always never get tired of talking.

"Not even one question I can answer confidently, how did you take it like a piece of cake?"

Sana chuckled. People would normally find those questions hard or maybe beyond hard but if they read books and study harder nothing would be hard.

"I never left my room without discovering and learning new things from the book I've read. Plus I don't think there will be hard question if you're confident with what you've learned. "

The steak on Sana's plate was very delicious. This is the date she had in mind, not that she want sparkling things on a date but this place is very ideal for a date.

"I think if I stick with you I'll become smart too, don't you think?" He joked and another sound of laughter came from Sana's mouth. Her eyes then stop to the bouquet of flowers Minhyun gave to her earlier, this may not be her first time receiving a bouquet of roses but this one is designed perfectly. Minhyun surely have taste.

"But I don't influence others to study. If you're smart that's great, but if you're average it doesn't really matter"

Minhyun couldn't help but smile. Sana is really perfect in his eyes, she's beautiful, she have fair skin and slim body, she's very smart too and most of all her upfront personality is what make her outstanding.

"You are really something else Sana-ssi"

Sana just smiled and finish her food. After awhile they're now heading outside to have a walk. Talking at random and laugh at times. Sana felt at ease, she felt relieved that her mind is not thinking of someone else.


"I'm looking forward for another dinner with you Sana, I honestly enjoyed the night. " He handed her the bouquet of roses again which Sana almost forgotten. She smiled sweetly and hug it.

They just arrived at Sana's house and right now Sana is standing in front of their gate.

"I enjoyed it too. Thank you Minhyun"

Sana was about to turn away when Minhyun held her hand. She flinch when she felt his lips on the left side of her cheeks.

"Goodnight Sana. "

Sana smiled forcedly and immediately walk to the gate. Minhyun chuckled with the thought that Sana must've feel something about the kiss causing her to sprint all the way to their house.

Sana on the other hand wipe her cheeks. She didn't expect that kiss from Minhyun although it's only on her cheeks she didn't like it one bit. When she opened the door to their house her Dad welcomed her with a confused look.

"Is that your boyfriend?" 

Her Dad never against her being in a relationship but never once Sana introduce someone to them. Sana on the other hand shake her head violently.

"No Dad, I just promised to repay him and he ask me out for dinner. Nothing serious"

Jinni who just entered the living was carrying a plate of cake and drinks on her hand.

"Dad this cake is really delicious"

Sana's mouth watered. Just when she's about to ask for it her mom entered the living room with a bowl full of chicken.

"Did you guys planned to celebrate without me?"

Jinni cocked her brows and and acted like she was surprised to see Sana.

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