Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Since we'd left the hospital, we hadn't received any updates regarding Anga's condition which we gladly accepted as 'good news' as we considered no news is better than bad news. I was really hoping for Anga to wake up before I head back to eNgcobo tomorrow because him and I really need to discuss the incident that landed him in hospital. I tried to inquire from Siyabulela yesterday about the incident, but he politely brushed me off, and told me that Anga would be the one who would tell me. To be honest, I was expecting such a response from him although I had hoped that he would at least show some level of understanding as to why I'd question him as opposed to waiting for Anga to inform me, but nonetheless I respected his response and kept it moving.

Mom and I decided we'd go visit Anga in the afternoon because we were both exhausted from the events of the previous day and there really was no need for us to go to the hospital immediately that morning. Siyabulela, yet again, offered to be our chauffeur. I appreciated his, let's call it, hospitality although I didn't see the need for him to do so. When he called me to tell me that he is waiting for us outside mom couldn't wait to mention that I was now his 'girlfriend' *eyeroll*. "Mama he is not my boyfriend! How many times must I tell you that?" My mom being herself responded by saying "maybe you're not his girlfriend, but he is definitely your boyfriend." Hai lomfazi. (hai this woman) We locked up our room and made our way to Siyabulela's car. Upon arrival he greeted us, and mom and I sat in the backseat. There was no way that I was going to sit in front with him. Throughout our car ride, he kept throwing glances at me through the rearview mirror and as much as I tried to ignore them, I would find myself looking right back at him. I have said that this man is a man, like a manly man and as much I may not be into him like that, I'm a woman who knows when to acknowledge God's creations and this, this is one of His greatest creations. Soon we arrived at the hospital and made our way towards Anga's ward.

When we arrived in Anga's ward, we found one of the nurses checking his vitals. This time around I noticed that he was not connected to any tubes or machines and that gave me a great sense of relief so much so that I found myself releasing a deep breath. Siyabulela, who was sitting next to me, might have noticed my reaction, as he decided to stretch out his hand to hold mine and gently rub it with his thumb. Yet again, this was one of his gestures where he offered me comfort which I gladly welcomed and accepted. I turned my body to face him and found that he was already staring at me. We stared at each other for a moment, and something passed between us briefly, but left just as fast. Whatever it was, I had no intention to delve deeper into its meaning, and I think we were both comfortable with not knowing or understanding what it was. Throughout this time, the entire ward was dead silent as the nurse continued to do her job. I guess we were all caught up in our thoughts as the reality of what has brought us together was staring back at us yet again. Mom was the one who broke the silence

Mom: Nurse, unjani namhlanje? (How is he today)

Nurse: He is doing much better mama. He has improved since his surgery yesterday. Dr Makhanda removed his ventilation tubes this morning as he showed great improvement.

Mom: Oh, that is wonderful news, makabongwe uThixo. (Glory to God)

Nurse: Indeed mama. Now we must just wait for him to wake up, which will hopefully be soon.

Suddenly we hear some mumbling and grunting, and we all look towards uAnga. He starts fluttering his eyes which open almost immediately, and he releases a low "w...ater." Mama springs up from her chair and heads towards the end of his bed where a jug filled with water and a glass is placed. She pours water for Anga in the glass while Siyabulela helps him sit up in the bed; mom helps him drink the water. Throughout this riff raff that's going on, I am stuck in my seat, frozen, maybe due to the shock and relief that my baby brother is alive or from the realization that we could have lost him. Someone snaps me out of my state by tapping my shoulder, I look around and see that it's the nurse.

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