Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

I tossed and turned the entire night unable to sleep as the quarrel I had with Siya last night kept repeating itself in my mind over and over again. I tried to push it to the back of my mind but I failed in doing so. See, what I've noticed with Siya is that he's very stubborn, and that he wants things done his way. When he doesn't get his way, he'll try and sway your decision in his favor using subtle tactics, which if you're not aware of, you can fall for. I mean look at how he turned my concern for taking care of his father into a whole 'let's meet the family' opportunity? And now look, we're bickering over something as simple as me leaving so that they as a family can get to work through the ordeal without any outsiders in their presence. But do you think this man understands any of this? No! To him it's all about having uNomzamo as close by as possible, regardless of the sensitivity of the situation at hand... sigh. I pat the space next to me in bed and to my surprise Siya is not beside me. Well that's a first. Since I've been here I've been waking up a tad earlier than him to prepare breakfast for the trio but I guess today I either overslept or this man is still upset with me and woke up to leave me in bed alone. Sigh! Sometimes Siya can be such a big baby. I wake up a little frustrated and head to the bathroom to shower.

I finish taking a shower and walk back into our bedroom to finish up my hygiene routine. As I'm standing in front of the dressing table applying shea butter on my skin, the bedroom door opens and Siya walks in holding a tray filled with various food options. He's wearing his pyjama bottoms with his chest bare. On a normal day I'd salivate at the image before me but for now I'm more relieved that he's here. I smile at him and watch as he walks to the dressing table to place the tray on it. He stands behind me and fixates his eyes on mine through the mirror. "MaDlamini," he greets in a husky voice as he lowers himself to lay his head on the nook of my neck. I stop what I'm doing and smile back at him. "Hi baby," I respond in a low tone, something about his face being in close proximity with mine sends hot flushes all over my body. "Ulale kakuhle themba lam?" he inquires while planting peppered kisses on the soft skin on my neck. (Did you sleep well my hope) I feel my body tingle as he continues to shower my neck with kisses. "Mm" I whimper in response to both his question and his slaughter on my neck. If this man continues like this I might just end up staying. I mean in all the instances where we tried to get intimate it never got that far and mostly because me, your girl, as I wanted to be a lady of stature and not come off as too easy or loose but now? Now I change my mind. I want it all. ALL OF IT. "I can't hear you, my love," he titters. This man! "Uhm, I... Yes... mmm yes, I... I slept well, my... my love and you?" I stutter in response. At this point my core is damp as fuck and all I want to do is launch myself on him and release all this pentup tension that I have. I open my legs slightly and lean back further into him but upon my movement, he stops with his torture and I flutter my eyes open to find out why he's stopping. I look back at him through the mirror of the dressing table and I see him smirking back at me while fixing the bulge in his pants. Oh no he didn't Siya likes seeing me hot and bothered and I'll show him, akandazi kakuhle. (He doesn't know me well) "The plan was to serve you breakfast in bed but I guess I was too late. Come," he says, extending his hand for me to take. I grab on to his hand and he helps me stand. Just as I'm about to step closer to him, my towel loosens around my body and drops to my ankles. I let go of his hand to pick up the towel when he stops me in motion, "Don't! Leave it." I stare back at him in shock. Haibo, how can he expect me to eat while I'm stark naked? (Wow) Also, what if I bump the tea cup and the tea spills and burns me? As though reading my thoughts, he continues to say, "Suba nexhala bhabha. Ndizokutyisa ngokukwam. So akhonto ezokutshisa." (Don't worry baby. I will feed you myself... nothing will burn you) I reluctantly leave the towel on the floor and follow him with the tray of food in his hands as he leads us to the bed. I position myself properly on top of the bed and he sits next to me, placing the tray on his thighs before he starts feeding me. On the array of foods he has a bowl of granola with fresh diced fruit and yogurt, then next to it is a croissant filled with cheese, bacon and egg. I wonder uzithathaphi icroissants because we didn't have them yesterday. (I wonder where he got the croissants from) The food is scrumptious obviously because this man sure knows his way around the kitchen. He keeps eying me as he feeds me, but ignore his advances and only focus on the food. I can see his eyes turn dark with lust but uyadlala! Nam ndizomenza lento ebendenze yona. (He's got another thing coming! I'll do to him what he did to me) "Umhle MaDlamini" he says so randomly while staring deep into my eyes. (You are beautiful) I blush and shy away from him. "Thank you baby,' I murmur in response without looking at him. I feel his hand cup my face and gently turn it to face him. "Don't ever shy away from me, my love. I want to see you get flustered when I shower you with compliments, that's my job after all right?" I coo at his endearment. "That's right love," I whisper in response.

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