Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Here I am being dragged into this room looking like a deer caught in red lights. She has not stopped talking since she dragged me out of that kitchen. She opens the bedroom door and drops my hand immediately before walking into the room and starts jumping up and down as she screams and squeals. Okay, what is going on here? Siya comes rushing from the kitchen to find out what the fuss is about while I stand frozen by the door. He shoves me slightly out of the way and makes way inside the bedroom. "What's wrong Lulu? Why are you screaming?" Siya asks her in concern. I'm still frozen by the door, scared that she's screaming about something that I've done to her room because I'm the one who worked on it before she arrived. "Oh my God! Oh my God! It's so beautiful. I love it! I love it!" she screams at the top of her voice, while running around the room checking out everything. Siya stands in the middle of the room gobsmacked and confused as hell about what his little sister is going on about.

"Lulama! Stop running around this room man! You're making me dizzy," he yells at her.

"Sorry bhuti," she simmers down. (Brother)

"So? What are you on about?"

"The room bhuti. Can't you see how lovely it is? It also smells nice and fresh. And the white linen, oh my gosh, I love white linen." (Brother)

"Ngoku?" (And)

"Haibo bhuti, since you bought this house, you've never prepared this room this way for when I arrive. It's clear that a woman took care in making sure that I settle in nicely when I arrive." (Brother)

"And all this noise is because of that Lulama?"

"You wouldn't understand bhuti, and I don't expect you to," she says to him while rolling her eyes at him. (Brother)

She observes the room one more time before running towards my direction and launches herself on me once again. "Thank you sisi for preparing my room for me. Like I said, uBhuti never went to such lengths when we came to visit, he'd always just hire someone to clean the house and keep it moving. Now that he's got a woman in his life..." she starts shaking her shoulders in a shimmy motion (Sister... Brother)

"Vala lomlomo wena Lulama," he says to her in a jokingly reprimanding tone. (Shut that mouth you)

"Thank you sisi, I really appreciate your effort." (Sister)

"It's only a pleasure Lulu, I'm glad you like everything you had me worried there for a second," I say to her as I giggle in her embrace.

"Where did you get the candles anyway? They smell so nice."

My eyes bulge out of my sockets because I didn't expect that question from her. Where will I say I got the candles from "Your brother?" Then she'll know his other romantic side and I doubt Siya wants her in his business like that because she seems like a handful once she knows something about you. I giggle at her question before trying to respond to it, but Siya interrupts me mid-sentence and says to her, "Shouldn't we get going young lady or you're no longer interested in seeing your sister now that uthe phithi sikwiza sakho nale room?" (You're obsessed with your sister in-law and this) The mood suddenly turns sombre at the realization of her visit. She releases me from her hold and stands beside me and says, "Let me quickly change my sneakers so that we can leave." My heart tugs painfully when I think of what she must be going through, how concerned she must've been when she received that call from her brother last night informing her that her sister needs her. I walk over to Siya whose mood has also plummeted at the mention of the situation and hold his hand before looking up to him, "Don't be too hard on her love." He looks down at me and offers me a slight nod and smile before he plants a kiss on my temple as he draws me in for a hug. I snuggle closer to him and inhale his scent. This man's scent is enough to drive anyone crazy. "Are you guys just going to pretend like I'm not here?" says the feisty young lady as she stands a short distance from us with her hands on her waist. I had completely forgotten about her for a second, that's what being in Siya's arms does to me. I giggle and hide my face on Siya's chest before I feel it vibrate against my face, "Yindlu yam le Lulama and I can do anything I want with anyone I want andizova ngawe mna," he refutes, drawing me even closer to him. (This is my house so I can do anything I want with anyone and I won't listen to you) uSiya mara. (Though) She huffs at her brother's response and stomps her feet before walking away. Siya chuckles at her childishness. I guess this is their relationship, she is always annoying him and he's always playing the typical big brother. I actually like seeing him in different roles and personas around his family. It gives me a glimpse of the man that I'm with. "Please get out of my room before you do something that will give me nightmares tonight," she yells out to us from somewhere around the house. I giggle even more at her statement, especially when I hear her brother grunt in annoyance. Seems like it's going to be an interesting stay with this one as our guest. "uLulama akanambheko yazi," he says in a groan, clearly annoyed with his sister. (Lulama has no manners you know) He lets go of me before taking my hand in his and walks us out of her room. We walk into the lounge where we find yours truly stuffing her face with some leftover fruit while seated on the couch. "So lovely of you to finally join me, your majesties," she says to us mockingly. We weren't even in her room for that long, this one is just dramatic. "Haisuka wena, we weren't even in there that long," Siya says to her exasperated. (Hey you) "It only takes a second to make a baby bhuti," she says, teasing her brother (Brother). I choke on my saliva while Siya grabs a cushion that's close by and throws it at her. "Voetsek wena, wazi ntoni wena ngokwenza abantwana?" he says to her as he runs towards her direction. (Go away you, what do you know about making children) She laughs out loud and gets up from her seat and runs away from him. "Sorry bhuti, sorry," she says to him as they chase each other around the lounge area. (Brother) As Siya tries to grab her, she moves the couches out of place and Siya jumps over them and she screams while running away from him. The entire house is filled with their laughter and her screams. I'm sure the entire neighborhood can hear the ruckus. I leave them playing in the lounge and go check on the food basket that they need to leave with. They will fix the mess they make on that side, andiyo maid yabo mna. (I'm not their help)

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