Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

I'm pacing up and down this room, frightened to death at the realization of Siya's dad being here. You may be wondering why I'm shaken by his arrival. Well according to our culture, you aren't supposed to meet your partner's parents or elderly family members, until you are wedded to them. This is taken as a symbol of respect on both your part and to your partner's family. Our culture supports this idea in that it restricts those in relationships from introducing every partner that they are in relationships with but rather encourages them to rather introduce their wives or husbands as those relationships are more 'final'. Again, this is all dependent on the families as some families aren't as rigid, or strict or culturally centered as others. I'm disturbed from my thoughts when I see the doorknob of our bedroom rattle. I freeze on the spot and hold my breath with my eyes fixed on the handle. I stand still and hope that whoever's trying to open the door will either leave once they notice that the door is locked. "Baby?" I hear Siya's voice echo behind the door, and I immediately release the breath that I was holding and steadily shift my legs towards the door. I unlock it and make way for him to enter as I stand hidden behind the door; I don't want his father to see me in case he's standing behind him. He steps into our room and shuts the door behind him. He walks to stand in front of me while wrapping his arms around my waist. He stares down at me as though he can see the panic on my face and speaks

"Are you okay?" he asks me, in a worried tone.

'Yes, just a bit shaken. What's your dad doing here?"

"I'm not sure, love. I'm yet to sit down with him and find out the reason behind his visit."

"Okay. Go back to him then. I don't want him to come in here looking for you."

"He has to meet you at some point nje bhabha. You will be his makoti afterall" he says smiling adoringly down at me. (Though)

"Baby, this is no time for your jokes, okay? Now please go back to him. I'll wait for you here, that's if you don't find me already passed out by the time you return."

'Okay love, let me leave you then and go see what brings the old man here so late," he says, already untangling his arms from me.

'Wait..." I half-yell out to him in slight panic. "Did you remove my wine glass on top of the coffee table?" I inquire.


"No Siya, now he's going to know that someone else is here."

"There was no time for me to collect the glass nje bhabha. He walked in the moment I opened the door. Nawe mos, you could've left with it when you ran in here," he retorts, while smirking. (Though baby... You could have also) This fool.

"Arg Siya man. It doesn't matter then. It is what it is. Now leave before he comes knocking," I say, already shoving him towards the door.

"Hai don't push me; you were the one who wanted to trap me here" he says chuckling softly while trying to resist my aggression.

I open the door, gesturing for him to keep quiet and as I'm about to close it, he steals a quick kiss from my lips before jogging off. Nxa, idiot. I don't lock the door because I know he will be back soon. I make myself comfortable on the bed while waiting for him to return. I'd packed a novel with me when I left Ngcobo, so that I can read it while traveling just to avoid feeling the duration of the trip and I guess it will come in handy now that I'm trapped in this room, alone. I don't know when I passed out, but I'm startled from my sleep when I feel his cold hands on my waist and I flinch. "I'm sorry. Go back to sleep, we'll speak in the morning love" he whispers against my ear. I turn myself around to face him, fluttering my eyes open.

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