1: Choi San

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Choi San. Everyone in the small Georgia town of Aurora (A/N: Not a real town) knew his name.

He was either loved or despised. Mostly despised. Elders scrunched up their faces in disgust when his name was mentioned, parents shook their heads in disapproval, the children's eyes filling up with hatred upon hearing his name.

Choi San was a well-known individual, to say the least, and for all the worst possible reasons, not all of which were even true but nearly everyone believed.  A party animal, a near high-school dropout, a fuckboy, a shame and embarrassment to his family.

It wasn't always like this. If you were new to Aurora and all the gossip circling around among its quite nosy residents, you would be surprised to hear that Choi San was your typical golden son, church boy, and exemplary student back in the days.

Nobody knew what had happened to cause Choi San to "go astray". Countless rumors were created, from the basic idea that San had a girlfriend and got her pregnant and his parents found out, to the ridiculous theory that he was converted to a Satanist cult after spending too much time on the Internet and was forced to sacrifice innocent people.

In short, whatever horrible, unfair theory you could think of, San had heard it all.

He was always hearing it. "Poor Seokmin and Yeji, putting so much effort into raising their only son, only for him to turn out like this."
"Choi San, that boy. It's a pity he became this way, but at least the Choi's have Aira. Now that's a child with a bright future ahead of her. Only 14 but such a charming one!"
"Choi San? Oh, yeah, he's not one with a good reputation, is he. Better lock your doors and your children up when he's around."

Oh if they only knew.


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