17: "A Matter Of Time"

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(A longer chapter to make up for the last couple ones being short)))

San POV:

My mind seems to have stopped working.

The prospect of Park Seonghwa being back- getting to see him almost every day, the inevitable drama, our friend group- naturally it would all resume, like nothing ever happened. But it's never going to be the same again.

Jongho is no longer here.

Hongjoong is though. And Wooyoung.

And I no longer have the same feelings I used to have for Seonghwa.

Forget feelings, I'm not even sure if our friendship itself can ever be as deep and strong as it had been before. Too much had changed in these past four years.

I force myself to get off the train track of memories before the train of emotions has the chance to hit and walk over to where Seonghwa is standing all alone in the center of the gym, awkwardly taking in the spiteful whispers and hateful looks of the same students who had hated him. Hated him so badly they'd thrown a party when they'd learned of his expulsion.

And his pretty cousin is nowhere to be seen.

It seems to take forever for the bell to finally ring, signifying the beginning of the day's second class.

As the trickle of students leaving the room becomes fewer and fewer, I step up to Seonghwa and tug at the sleeve of his sweater.

"I don't like being touched unless I'm the one initiating it. Not since that happened."

He starts, then his eyes visibly light up, and I realize that besides me, there isn't anyone here who actually knows him.

"San! I- Hi..."

"You weren't this enthusiastic when we met each other at the party two weeks ago?"

"Holy shit....SAN?"

"Yeah, yeah it's me Hwa."

"I- you're saying we met before this? At the party at Hyuna's two weeks ago?"

Had it all been just a hallucination? Had I been so intoxicated I'd stupidly mistaken someone else as him?

"I was so drunk San, though I know it probably didn't seem like it, and I don't remember shit after I drink. I faintly remember someone very familiar coming up to me...I thought it might have been you, but I just didn't think it could be possible and-"

His speech abruptly cuts off and I barely have the time to notice how teary his eyes are before he wraps me in a hug so desperate, so soul-crushing I find myself hugging him back hesitantly as I feel his tears fall on my hoodie, forming a warm, wet patch on the thick black material.

"Hwa? What- you okay?"

I don't know how to comfort people.

"Yeah- yeah I'm fine. I already knew you were still in this school; Aunt Yizhuo told me- don't ask me how she even knows, I just- I just didn't expect to see you like that- yeah. I've missed you Choi, believe it or not. There wasn't a day I haven't thought about you, and Irene, and Jongho too."

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