6: "Welcome To Aurora"

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"I'm fucked up
I'm black and blue
I'm built for it, all the abuse
I've got secrets that nobody, nobody, nobody knows."
      - "Gangsta"- Kehlani

Wooyoung POV:


       This guy?

                 Choi San?

   Now he's sitting on the grass, swaying from side to side, smoking a cigarette he'd pulled from a pack of them in his pants pocket. I pinch my nose and turn away in disgust.

  In the end, he was never the kind of guy my parents always made him out to be. Just a regular sinner. Now I have an actual excuse to not communicate with him. Wait until I tell Mom.

San broke the silence first.

  "I know you're probably gloating right now about how I'm not the kind of guy like the one your parents compare you to. Yes, I'm not. I'm just a regular loser. But you're nothing special either. Don't think that just because you're an obedient, submissive son and an active church boy you're a good person. Those things don't put you above anyone else."

  "What do you know? It's not even your business," I hiss. Who does he think he is?

  He shrugs, running his hand through his thick black hair, ruffling it even more. Why is that attractive.

"Anyways. You should go."

I should go?

  "What about you? It's your house, I mean. Your mom is worried. What is wrong with you man?"

  "Jung. None of your business. If you want to know that badly, you'd regret it less if you came in without me. Go first, I'll come in later ok?"

Just what does that mean?

  I stand there, not sure whether to take his advice and just go or just drag him with me.

  He glances over at me, rolling his eyes. "What were you doing out in the woods anyway?"

"I like nature."

  "Pfft. What's so special about fucking nature?"

That word again?

  "Oh I don't know." I've only known this guy for a couple minutes yet I already feel mentally exhausted. "I like the blue sky, the sun, the grass, the trees, everything. The rain's good too, and snow's awesome. It just helps me relax and clears my mind, I guess. I dunno. How come you don't like it?"

  "Oh I don't know," he mimics me in a nasal, high-pitched voice I'm sure I've never used in my life. "The sky never ends, the sun burns, the grass is scratchy, the wind is annoying. Bugs everywhere. It's nasty."

  "You're an awfully negative person, you know that?"

"I get that all the time," he scoffs.

  "But you still didn't answer my question. What in the world does 'fuck' mean?"

  He scoffs for what seems like the hundredth time. "Who even says 'what in the world' anymore? Where are you from, the Stone Age?"

  Lord help me. "That. Did. Not. Answer. My. Question."

  "Ugh. 'Fuck', it means, um... it's, um. It's a...bad word you can say. A curse word."


Forgive me Lord, for I have sinned.

  "So not only do you drink and smoke, you also curse. Of course you do. And probably even way worse. You need God, you know that? Your parents must be so disappointed in you. I know I would be if I had a kid like that."

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