2: "Sundays" (Wooyoung)

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September 13, 2020. Olive Branch Northern Church, Eden, Washington (not a real church/not a real city)


Wooyoung has always loved Sundays. He couldn't really explain why if you asked him.

He guessed it was just the familiarity and homey, cozy feeling of them. Sundays never changed. And for that Wooyoung was grateful. He hated change.

Maybe it was the first rays of sunshine pouring into his and his little brothers's shared room, or sometimes the rain pattering onto his window rapidly singing a gray, windy song of melancholia. Or the scent of coffee and toasted bread wafting throughout the house and into his room.

Maybe even the annoying ass song his dad would put on every Sunday morning to get them all jumping out of bed and begging him to turn it off.

Then all six of them piling into their old, battered red van and driving past endless forests and fields of corn, old hymns blasting at top volume inside the car. Then running out and into the building to their usual bench, second to the last in the back of the left row of church pews.

Seo Changbin, son of the pastor, and Kang Yeosang, Changbin's cousin, (his best, and only friends) sending bright smiles and enthusiastic waves from way across the room. Seo Nami, Changbin's older sister and Wooyoung's crush of five years giving him a curt nod, which showed she at least acknowledged his lowly existence.

Then, after listening to the sermons, which seemed to be endless, after the final prayer he'd spring up from his seat and wind his ways through the people and the benches, pleasant chatter filling his ears. He'd find his friends and they'd have the time of their life teasing each other and speed-recalling everything that had happened throughout the past week.

This was one of those Perfect Sundays, Wooyoung decided as he jogged up to his bored-looking friends standing outside the entrance.

"AYOOOO my man Woo-YOUNG," Changbin shouted, slapping him on the back, maybe a bit too hard, but that's what homies do.

"Changbinnnn you clown you really can't keep your voice down can you? People are looking," Wooyoung hissed, tugging at his friend's ear.

"Let go of me Woooooo. What did you just call me? A clown?," Changbin whined.

Yeosang laughed at his friend's antics. "He's not a clown Wooyoung. He's just an ESFP."

"What's my MBTI type gotta do with the volume of my voice you damn introvert?"

"Language!" Wooyoung kicked his friend playfully.

"So anyways," Changbin began. "Yesterday I was just doing my homework and guess wha-"

"Guysss guys guys," Wooyoung whispered frantically, straightening his back and fixing his hair

"What? What?"


Na-mi was heading their way.

Yeosang and Changbin rolled their eyes. Wooyoung's been crushing on Na-mi ever since he was eleven and Na-mi thirteen. Now he was sixteen and Na-mi eighteen but it was the same as ever, if not worse

"Wooyoung, just how bad can this get? Why do you even like this broomstick?" Yeosang whispered under his breath.

"Yo Changbin. Hey guys," Nami glanced at them indifferently, flipping her long ponytail and smacking her gum. Very loudly. Obnoxiously Loudly. Yeosang rolled his eyes in disgust while Wooyoung had his eyes glued to the girl's every movement.

"You got the keys? I want to go to the car. It's boring here." Smack. Smack. Smock.

"Here you go. You're just gonna be on your phone and don't want dad to see you. I know you too well," Changbin scoffed, throwing her the keys.

Smack. SMOCK.

"Well? Why are you just standing there?" Changbin whined, more than annoyed at his sister's presence that was interrupting him from peacefully communicating with his cousin and friend.

"This is how it's done Bin. Watch and learn," Yeosang grinned evilly as he grabbed Nami by the shoulders and pushed her out the door before she could even register what was happening.

Wooyoung frowned as Changbin bent over laughing and slapping his knee. "Sang I guess having ten older sisters and being only one of two boys comes in handy sometimes."

"Tell me about it," Yeosang smiled.


Wooyoung POV:

"So Wooyoung," Mom turns around in the front seat.

I groan inwardly, knowing what this will all be about.

"I saw you today dra-"

"No, mom, just because I was drawing doesn't mean I wasn't listening to the sermon. And no, just because I was multitasking doesn't mean I am no longer a Christian and now leaving the church."

"So tell me then, Wooyoung," Dad speaks up from his seat at the wheel. "What were the sermons about today."

Great. A chance to prove myself.

"The first one was Mr. Kim and he preached about not letting ourselves go during a temptation. The second sermon was Mr. Jo; his sermon was about modesty. And the last sermon was as usual Mr. Seo, and he preached about how parents have to control their children and have them by their sides at all times so their children will not wander off into the world when they become adults." (A/N: I wish I were kidding but this is a topic that preachers in my church and other churches in this sect preach about way too often and it's so fucking sickening.)

Dad smiles, pleased. "Very well, Wooyoung."

A warm glow spreads inside me. I love being praised. It doesn't happen often.

"But still not enough," Mom interjects. "You have to pay full attention. It's not right to get distracted."

I sigh.

"But why do you guys not say anything to Leeseo then? She's just sitting on the floor drawing and no one does anything."

"How many times do I have to tell you, Wooyoung?"

I know all to well that when Dad uses this tone of voice, a family squabble is about to erupt.

"Dad said it before Woo," 12-year-old Jeongyeon pipes up from the back seat. "Leeseo is only three and she can't concentrate. Meanwhile you're already grownup; you're not a child."

"Exactly," Dad nods.

"You always agree with the children and never with me even when I say the same things" Mom says shakily.

Here it goes. We couldn't just have a pleasant ride back home without some drama, could we?

"Well for goodness's sake Suhyun. Why did you have to bring up something like this out of the blue!? You know it annoys me. You should learn to stop being offended over the smallest thing."

"Whatever, you're always making me such a monster. Like I'm so bad and you all are the victims."

Mom starts sobbing while Dad suddenly accelerates on the speed and our car jolts forward.

I hate when this happens. I know that in an hour they'll make up and everything will be ok again, but for now my mood is totally ruined and not a trace of The Perfect Sunday Mood is left in the air.

A/N: It's sort of a filler chapter, but it introduces us to Wooyoung, and kinda the atmosphere of his family and his life.
This book is the shittiest attempt at writing ever and I can't believe I ever thought it was good 🕳️ ⬅️🏃🏻‍♀️

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