2: Jung Wooyoung

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Jung Wooyoung- just like San, a lot of people in his community knew his name.

But not in the way they knew San's.

Wooyoung was "The Golden Boy." Son of Eden, Washington's (A/N: not a real town.) deacon, Jung Jimin and his wife Jung Suhyun. Active church boy, exemplary student at his homeschooling group, wonderful son, and responsible, mature oldest of four children.

No, people couldn't find a flaw when talking about Jung Wooyoung. And truthfully, why should they? He was nothing but nice to everyone, young and old. The elderly adored him, adults presented him as an example to their children, and kids looked up to him.

And Wooyoung himself was happy with the life he had built at sixteen and a half. What more could he need? How more perfect did he need to be?

Well...he did have competition.

Choi San.

He lived on the other side of the country. Wooyoung had never even seen San with his own eyes. But despite that fact, he's heard enough about him from his parents who had used to live in San's town and were great friends with the Choi's. They'd lived there and moved away when Wooyoung was a year old as the hot, stuffy climate of Georgia became too much for his Alaskan-born parents.

Wooyoung's mom would always talk about "what a sweet boy Seokmin and Yeji's son was. So cute, never cried or made a fuss. Yeji never had any problems with him; I've never seen such a calm baby as Sannie was. I wonder what they're up to right now, and how Sannie's doing: he should be seventeen about now. He's probably a perfect boy. Probably very active in church and a good child. Probably has all the girls talking about him. Oh, it's too bad Yeji and I lost contact."

So Wooyoung strived to be the kind of boy that Choi San was, according to his parents at least. He hated being compared. He prayed regularly, abstained from anything that was considered to be a sin. Hell, he didn't even know how sex worked, and he didn't want to know. He didn't want to get tainted.

Going to church Sunday mornings, orchestra practice on Tuesdays, Bible study on Wednesdays, youth group on Thursdays, tutoring sessions on Friday. Let's not forget the violin lessons Saturday mornings and piano lessons Saturday evenings. Meanwhile, he kept his place in the honor roll even as a video homeschooler. Ever since fourth grade, getting anything lower than an A- was out of question, and if it happened, he'd spend hours agonizing over it.

Friends? He wasn't entirely popular among teenagers when it came to friendship, and it didn't really bother him that much, he had two or three close friends within his church, and that was more than enough for him.

Needless to say once more, he was satisfied with the life he had. He had salvation, he was doing great in life, he was happy. Nothing could go wrong. No temptation could sway him, he had God on his side, and no way on earth would he betray his "Lord", right?

But, like San, he has a side to him not many, if anyone, knows about.

Jung Wooyoung isn't a "holy" teen. Deep inside, he longs for something more. Deep inside, he's tired of having to stay perfect. But not even he wanted to acknowledge it.

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