18: "Red And White" (San)

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(Short chapter again I'm so sorry
It keeps turning out too long and I have to split them up into two 😭)

San POV:

(10 minutes earlier):

"We really should plan that trip to New Yorrrkk sometime soooon," Irene slurs, eyes gone. "Winter break maybe."

"It all depends on our parents. We can't let them find out about it. Speaking of parents, mine are due to arrive any minute now. If I don't get there in time, I'm fucked. So let's get moving."

"Oh yeahhhh!" Irene jumps up, face panicked. "Mine are supposed to be back from Korea tomorrow morning. Oh shit. Shit, shit, SHIT."

"Good luck with that," Yunho chuckles blankly, wrapping his coat around himself tightly. "Why the hell is it so cold in fucking October? Don't we live in the south?"

"Yeah it's kinda chilly this year. For us. I wonder if the people from Washington think we're complete pussies. Their temperatures are fucking ungodly in the winter. Come on guys, help clean up."

The beer cans are picked up, the cigarette butts and smoked joints disposed of, the blanket dusted off- and we are on our way, the five of us tramping through the woods, unconsciously trying to stay together to the last minute, until we'd have to part ways.

Seonghwa is an inch away from being out cold- three cans of beer and a bit too much weed can do that to someone. Ten, however, has had about the same amount but is practically unaffected- you wouldn't have guessed it if it weren't for his unfocused, bleary eyes giving him away. Irene was..well, there isn't much of a difference between the sober Irene (a rare phenomenon indeed) and an intoxicated, high Irene.

Yunho was still his quiet, sweet self- true to his word, he hadn't touched a single thing of the vices spread out so tantalizingly on that picnic blanket.

I'd only had that one can, and was I ever happy about that now. Yunho already looks lost enough as it is, three wild teenagers screaming and laughing their asses off at something unintelligible as if it were the funniest thing they'd ever heard.

"Where's the damn road Choi?" Ten groans, stumbling over his own two feet as Seonghwa throws his arms over him for a hug out of the blue.

"One minute away Ten. One minute."

"Didn't you say that five minutes ago?

"Maths aren't my specialty okay?"

"Don't lie to me. I know a good fellow mathematician when I see one- OH OH OH oh I SEE IT", he jumps up and down in childlike excitement, the drunk Seonghwa toppling dramatically to the floor in a heap. "Get your ass up Hwa. We just gotta cross the road and get on the bu- am I tripping because what the fuck is that? Yeah I'm tripping...or am I? I can't see shit from here it's all blurred."

I follow the direction of his confused stare and stop in my tracks, feeling that unpleasant, biting chill on the back of my neck; that chill that never fails to foreshadow danger.

There's something, or rather someone on the road, a painfully familiar figure swaying back and forth as if on the brink of unconsciousness, holding on to that last bit of light before darkness swallows him whole.

"Wooyoung!? What the fuck?"

His face is a ghostly shade of white, half of it screwed into a grimace of pain so raw, so agonizing that a trill of panic runs down my spine.

"San...Help me."

He's struggling to breathe, drawing in shallow gasps of cool autumn air as raspy wheezes leave his throat.

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