16: Park Seonghwa

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(If some of the information you see here doesn't add up because of the earlier chapters, it's probably because I've changed it to fit the storyline better and then forgot.

Also this is an optional chapter, it's basically just revealing a little about Seonghwa's past, his role in the story, and his relationship with the other characters.)

T/W: A bit graphic..? Also mentions of a cult (and no, this cult came from my imagination and a couple other sources) and sexual assault

If you had happened to be a student of Aurora Christian Middle School in the seventh grade back in the day, you definitely knew who Park Seonghwa was.

He had come out of nowhere- no one knew anything about him or his background besides the fact that he was somehow related to "Old NingNing" as Aurora called her- a mysterious middle-aged Chinese woman who was famous back in her day among the townspeople for her beauty and the rumors surrounding the fact that she was a pagan witch.

No one had ever seen Park Seonghwa before- and that had stirred up a commotion, because every student at Aurora Christian Elementary, Middle, and High School  also attended the local church and was from a Christian family,  or at least had devoutly Christian relatives. All the students knew each other- whether they'd grown up together, went to the same church their whole life, or had met while one of them was a different one before moving.

But not Seonghwa- and he was an Aurora native.

No one even knew how he had gotten accepted- he had what the adults described as "a foul, rebellious character," and refused to have anything to do with the religion. The school never accepted anyone like that; Seonghwa was the first and would be the last for a long while.

The other kids didn't like him. He voiced his opinion loudly whenever someone's did not align with his and he had constant arguments with teachers about the rules and principles of their beliefs. He would get into heated debates about "taboo" topics in the school such as homophobia, sexism, and sexual harassment; and would always end up in the principal's office for "inappropriate behavior."

No one really cared to notice that he was the kindest soul and would bleed his heart out to help someone in pain if needed to. He was also quite friendly by nature, but befriending Park Seonghwa immediately meant having your reputation at risk and being closely watched by the teachers and gossiped about by the students.

There were three people who couldn't care less however- his classmates Bae Joohyun and Choi San and a sixth grader by the name of Choi Jongho.

They weren't like the rest at the school, looked down upon by the other students for being "rebels." Bae Joohyun was a famed troublemaker ever since the first grade- whatever she wanted, she'd make sure she got, and to hell with how many rules she had to break to get it. Shallow words like "dress code" "appropriate behavior" and "a quiet, modest, submissive young lady that fears the Lord" were foreign to her. The only reason she hadn't been expelled had been the principal's connection with her father- and she didn't bother to hide it.

Choi San was the definition of school outcast- quiet, dull, and "weird."  It hadn't always been like that, but now he was the kid no one wanted to pair up with during group projects; the kid everyone would rather skip recess rather than sit with at one desk. It was hard to get one word out of him, and his eyes were always sharp and searching, making anyone who looked into them uncomfortable. He was really just a confused, shy child who had built up a wall of ice around himself, not daring to trust people after the encounters his life had previously dealt him. He was dying to meet someone who thought differently from the rest, but never seemed to have the chance.

Choi Jongho was just a loud, curious kid with a love and zest for life- he laughed at the smallest thing and made stupid jokes, but everyone liked him. He was the pastor's son, after all. But his home, that perfect family everyone saw every Sunday, was just all just a fragile illusion. Away from the public's eye they were broken, disturbing secrets buried behind that shiny, inviting front door. He would rather die than tell anyone about it, knowing the reactions it would arouse and the consequences it would bring from his parents.

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