12: "I Swear It On The Fountain"

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"If you go, I'll stay
You come back? I'll be right here
Like a birch at sea
In the storm I stay clear
'Cause I've got my mind on you."

        - "Yes To Heaven"- Lana Del Rey

Wooyoung POV:

The last thing I'd expected was to get acquainted with the local hospital before having the chance to set foot in my new house.

It had all happened so fast.

All I'd wanted was to get a moment to myself after a day of being cooped up in the tiny car and run down rest stops. I'd just wanted some air. Then I happened to see that. Hongjoong on top of San, choking him with all the strength in his small body and a sadistic grin on his face, giggling like he was a preschooler who got offered candy instead of a teenager attempting murder.

I still don't know what that had been all about. San had probably deserved it, like usual. But at that moment, having seen San helpless and shaking, face a deep shade of blue from lack of oxygen and eyes full of wild, raw fear...all I knew was I didn't like him looking that way. It made my heart twist and ache in the most disgustingly painful of ways.

That pain had only grown worse when even after I'd thrown off Hongjoong, San's body continued being shaken by waves of uncontrolled, panicked tremors. He had been sobbing without tears, hyperventilating so violently I was scared for his life. I had held him tightly, not knowing what to, as I couldn't run for help, scared to leave him alone.

He couldn't hear anything I was saying, and even if he had, he wouldn't respond. Then he'd suddenly passed out. Just to my luck, someone from the house had heard something and come running.

I had told them he'd accidently knocked over one of the heavy wooden boards propped up against the picnic table and it had hit his neck and trapped him underneath.  Which frankly was a ridiculous story, but they believed it, and the board Hongjoong had accidently dropped, probably while pushing San down, "proved" it. Something told me that if I'd told them about what I'd seen, San would be in even worse trouble.

And for once, I didn't want that.

Hongjoong had run off to God only knows where, and no one had even questioned it. I was still on his side, but I would be lying if I said what I'd seen hadn't sent a chill down my back. The look of pure enjoyment on his face as he choked a human being, the laugh of innocent mirth. Whatever San had done to him didnt matter at that point- the reaction was completely sickening.

And now I'm here, sitting by San's hospital bed, watching the steady rise and fall of his chest as he sleeps. He had been unconscious for roughly an hour, then had woken up and gone into a severe panic attack so violent the nurses had to sedate him and hold him down to the bed. Which scared the living crap out of me, because who knew such things as panic attacks even exist?

After that he'd almost immediately fallen into a deep slumber. It has been five hours, and he was still sleeping soundly. Five hours.

What bothers me most is the fact that I am here with him. Just me. His dad had driven him to the hospital then insisted on staying at the house and helping out with the other people. "I'm not going to waste my time when I could be doing more important things. It's not like this is the first time this happens", he'd said. His mother was busy with an important case she "just couldn't abandon like that." His sister had just flat-out refused.

Someone had to stay with him, and since apparently my help wasn't really needed at the house (which was, to say the truth, surprising), so the final decision had been just that- Wooyoung stays with San.

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