4: "Do I Know You?" (San)

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San POV:

"In my city
Please tell me what is meaningful
In my city
Please tell me what to dream for."
"In My City"- The Solutions

September 19, 2020

That weekend:

As soon as I step over that threshold, I regret ever deciding to come here.

Thick, sickly-sweet smoke envelops me in a hazy fog; the potent smell of liquor, sweat, cheap cologne and body spray overwhelming my senses. The obnoxious party music over the speakers is so loud I can feel the already flimsy wooden floor thumping under my feet. Teenagers of every kind you can think of are dancing, hanging on each other and making out without a care in the world. It's a party all right. If my parents knew I'm here...

I find that I don't recognize anyone from my school except for some famous rebels, some kids that were kicked out years ago, and a couple quiet kids that like me, probably just wanted to get out into the real world outside of school and church, even if they hated parties. Otherwise, everyone here is either from Halazia Arts, our neighboring school (hated by my school because the kids were "too evil and devilish) or from neighboring towns.

Shit. I'm not close with anyone here besides Irene. If that even counts, because she always manages to make a new friend on the whim and gives them all her attention (but rarely ever keeps them). Downing a glass of cold beer, I wonder just how in the world did I think it was a good idea to relax this way? Just what was Irene thinking, convincing me to come here?

Speaking of Irene.

I sigh, already mentally exhausted as I search the crowded dark room for my cousin, subconsciously chugging another glass of liquor. Irene getting drunk is the last thing I need right now.

When she is sober she doesn't deem anyone worthy enough to have a friendly conversation with her (except Seulgi), sticking her nose into her phone or some cheap romance novel instead. But give her a drink or two, and Bae Joohyun will do something people will talk about for the remainder of the year. From winning a heated break-dance battle against Halazia's top dancer to setting fire to a mannequin's hair for absolutely no reason at all while laughing her guts out, she'd done it all.

I sigh, in relief this time, as I spot her hanging onto the arm of a tall, blonde, handsome guy around my age who has such a confused and disturbed look on his face I have to laugh. Shaking my head, I walk-run over to the two, peeling her off the boy's arm. She falls onto the floor in a drunken heap of red leather dress and tousled black locks of hair, lies there for a moment, then suddenly gets up and begins tap dancing to Koyote's "Genuine" booming through the speakers. I wish I had enough battery on my phone to film her, for blackmail material.

"Is she... alright?"

I look up at the handsome boy who is watching her with genuine concern. Only now I recognize him as the infamous Park Seonghwa, who was expelled from our school three years ago for being gay. He had been the only friend I'd ever had besides Irene and a certain other boy throughout all my years at that school, and I'd been so frustrated I had cried. We'd lost contact since then.

The teacher and principal had already disliked him and "tolerated" him for "long enough" since seventh grade when he moved to Aurora, because he had the guts to stand up in class and challenge the completely senseless rules and theories the teachers had forced on us. I remember admiring him, wishing I had the courage to question out loud the things I've been taught since childhood.

"Oh she's okay. She's just had a glass or two. Wait until she drinks some more. I have no say in stopping her, and I'll also be the one to suffer," I shrug. "By the way...you're Seonghwa right?"

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