8: "Cage The Bird"

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I'm not afraid
Of the war you've come to wage against my sins
I'm not ok
But I can try my best to just pretend"
"Just Pretend"- Bad Omens

Wooyoung POV:

He's sitting on a rock in the woods, all alone, smoking a cigarette. The thick bluish-gray haze envelops him like a fog and evaporates into a musky, toxic vapor that lingers in the air like a curse.

"Wooyoung get out from behind that tree. I know you're there."

"No I'm not. It's not me."

"And I'm Beyoncé."

"Who's Beyoncé?"

"What??? Never mind. Come out."

Sigh. I've been found out.

I walk over, hesitating if I should sit next to him (as there is enough space on the rock, but I'd rather not. I don't like Choi San.)

"You despise my existence that much huh?"

"It's not you San, it's your sin-"

"Give me something new Christian dude."

"I can't."

"So that's the extent of your creativity in the art of insulting fellow human beings. You're boring as hell Jung."

"Hell's scary. Not boring. It's where Satan and all his demons are."

"Yeah? Well I don't see the difference between here and hell then."

"Pfft. Why do you hate life so much? Bitter old man."

He doesn't answer. Just smiles a bit and stamps out the used cigarette with his shoes, a thoughtful look on his face. For a moment his laughing hazel eyes meet mine, that small weird smile not leaving his beautiful face. (A/N: Cringing as I'm writing this because it sounds like a horrible teenage romance ✌🏻)

And for a second, just one second, I'm hypnotized. I wish I knew why. The feeling leaves just as quickly as it lasted, though, and I'm relieved. I don't like feeling this way.

I look down, the sparks from the dying cigarette under San's shoe catching my eye. They float around in the dark, warming it up like fireflies in the summer evening, then burn out and disappear, and the night returns to its cold, dark gloom in a matter of seconds.

"What? Wanna smoke one too?" he laughs, about to fish the box of cigarettes from his pocket.

"Are you crazy? Of course not. No way am I going to get an addiction to nicotine, lung cancer and all that stuff."

"So you do admit that if you'd just smoke one for fun you'd continue?"

"Well, no but-"

"Ok ok I'm just fucking with you," he chuckles, lighting another cigarette. Once again the musky odor of tobacco enters my nose and I fight for my life as the strong urge to cough overtakes my lungs.

"Go ahead, cough. Let me guess, you think I'd make fun of you for being a noob or something like that?"

Cough. Cough.

"Listen Wooyoung. I smoke, and that's that. My personal business. I know it's not healthy, it's called a sin, I've heard it all my life. My choice ok? Just...don't do it. You're right. Don't ever start. Don't pick up that first cigarette. Just remember that."

Cough. "So...why do you smoke then? If you know it's bad for you. And how can you tell me not to smoke if you're doing it? Don't worry, I won't, but I'm just curious."

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