9: "UNO Reverse Card Idiot"

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San POV:

Wooyoung is more of a dumbass than I thought, apparently.

He's laughing obnoxiously with Hongjoong and his lackeys about something I don't care about enough to listen in on. That laugh really is absurd- so shrill and high-pitched, almost witch-like.

Did he really think that I wouldn't have woken up from the sound of my room being rummaged through at high volume? Because apparently, he didn't care enough to watch out for that heavy perfume bottle on the edge of the drawer, neither did he care to consider that the door to the closet hasn't been oiled in years and sounds like a dying rodent when opened. Or that his slippers would squeak a bit too loudly on the laminated floor.

I'd watched him out of the corner of my eye for a while, wondering what the fuck the boy could possibly be up to, until he'd opened my violin case and found the cigarettes a few minutes later. I was confused at first, to say the least. So he really did want to try it huh? All that good Christian boy bullshit persona down the drain just like that. But then he'd snatched my backpack and stuffed the pack into a remote pocket I didn't even know it had, and it had all clicked as I remembered Yunho's warning from earlier that day.

Jung Wooyoung, that ass. They had planned to frame me. How did the fucker even manage to get himself in a scheme like this in one day?

I watch his hand as he attempts to discreetly shove a cigarette from the pack into Hongjoong's jeans pocket and the latter winking in return.

So this is how you're gonna play, Jung? We barely know each other and you're here for such a short amount of time, yet you're so set on making an enemy. Oh well, the choice was yours to make, after all. We could have been friends.

"Hey Irene? Glad you came today you little bitch. Care to help me out with a little something?"

Wooyoung POV:

The first two hours seem to drag impossibly long, not at all like yesterday. Well, to be fair, yesterday the first two hours were science and history, which had always been my favorite, but today's was mathematics and Chinese. And it seems like all the other students also are bored to the death by these subjects. Especially San, who's just spread out on his chair fast asleep, looking like he's never cared about anything in life.

Speaking of San, it had all gone successfully- I'd finally given Kim Hongjoong what he'd asked for. San is completely in the dark and today he'll get what he deserves, that unholy brat.

I had just contributed towards a great cause. But why was I beginning to regret it?

"Wooyoung? Wooyoung! Jung WooYOUng! WOOYOUNG JUNG"

"Huh? Oh, Jisoo. Hey."

"You okay?"

"Yeah? Why wouldn't I be?"

"I don't know, maybe because you just cracked that pencil in half while staring at the wall with eyes as empty as Hongjoong's sense of humor? You didn't even hear the bell, half the class is gone. You sure it isn't San and his silly little mental illness issues rubbing off on you?"

"Mentall illness? San?" I've never in my life met a person with mental illness. I've always imagined them to be haggard people with tangled long hair over their faces, in white night gowns, walking around corridors of mental hospitals, wailing about something like how their life is ruined. At least, that's what I've been told. San? It made no sense.

"You didn't know?" she leans forward on her desk, a sort of strange glint in her eyes that suddenly makes me feel uneasy. "San's messed up. More than you heard about from us and saw for yourself. He used to...cut himself."

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