5: "What Does Fuck Mean, By The Way?" (Wooyoung)

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Wooyoung POV:

"Every night when the stars come out

Am I the only living soul around?

Need to believe you could hold me down

'Cause I'm in need of something good right now."

"Hand Clap"- Fitz and The Tantrums

Sometimes I wonder what would happen if every time the world got angry, it would pour out all its anger on someone, and in a different way every time.

Because right now I feel like the world chose me.

It has been six hours of endless driving through forests, plains, and mountains. Six torturous hours of listening to Kidz Bop (because Leeseo had insisted on it), after about an hour of Leeseo and Jeong-Yeon fighting about what to put on. In the end, of course it was Leeseo that got her way, being the three year old. I didn't even dare to say a word in opposition. Getting an earful of spiteful scolding was not on my bucket list at the moment.

I close my eyes and lay back in my seat, groaning as I felt the suitcases poke into my back. Thinking that we still had nine hours of driving to do today, fifteen more tomorrow, then nine more the day after that made me want to scream and tear my hair out.

Where are we even going? you might ask.

To the house of the almighty Choi San, approximately thirty-nine hours away from home. In Atlanta. Because my mom had found Mrs. Choi on Facebook and "rekindled their friEnshiP." Apparently they almost immediately made plans to meet up, and it was going to be at the Chois', for two weeks. My mom was the most excited I've ever seen her in my life. My dad was also in a good mood from the news; he was good friends with Mrs. Choi's husband. What about us mom?

I find it hard to believe that what drove my mom to make that decision was just friendship. I would have never. Not even for Changbin or for Yeosang. Well, maybe. But only by plane. Why couldn't we take the plane? Because it costs too much money. According to my parents, being stuck in a small car with a barely functioning AC for two and a half days with three children was a better option.

And when we get there, I would of course be forced to communicate with that San dude, because "you two are the same age! You two will be great friends!". And no doubt he'll be superior to me in every way. My mom will probably relinquish her parental rights of me and think of San as her son.

Oh how I hate meeting new people. You'd think I had no problem with it, knowing as many people as I know. Well, meeting most of them had been against my will. And I'd never been close with any of them. Never have been, never will be. Yeosang and Changbin are the only kids my age I'll ever feel comfortable with. I'll miss them, honestly. I wish I could talk to them over the phone, but due to my parents' strict "no cellphone until you're an adult" policy, that would be impossible.

I'll miss them. I know it's only two weeks, and I know I'm being unreasonably dramatic about the whole thing.

It's only two weeks, Wooyoung. You'll be fine. Two weeks and you go home. It's not like we're moving over there, right?...


Two days later:

Finally, the day has come. And I mean finally in a sarcastic way.

I have endured the two and a half hellish days of Kidz Bop and Subway sandwiches. (A/N: I honestly don't understand why Woo is complaining. I've never had Subway sandwiches but I've heard they taste great.) Two and a half days of endless nagging and fighting and screaming and arguing. Don't get me wrong, I still heard it all 24/7 at home, but at least I had my own room, small and un-soundproof as it was. But this, this is different. I couldn't go to my room, much less even have elbow room, literally.

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