31: "Sinking Sand"

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Note: it's just the tiniest bit smutty again, so if you're uncomfortable with that, please read wisely. With that being said, enjoy this hot mess of a chapter :')

Look how out of hand it's gotten
Is it wrong for me to want this?
But, baby, all I do is want it
And, if I knew that I could have you
Don't you know that I'd be glad to show it?
     High- Stephen Sanchez

Sunday, November 17, 2020

Wooyoung POV:

A two-day stay at the lake.

There's really not much you can pack for one, but past unfortunate experiences where I'd thought the same way and ended up paying the price for it told me to think otherwise.

Which resulted in me now sitting at the edge of my bed in distress, staring at the huge pile of clothes in front of me and wondering how on earth I'm ever supposed to fit them all into my backpack- already full of notebooks for devotions, pens, and hygiene supplies.

And snacks- an infinite supply of them. Because it was very necessary to get that bar of white chocolate- what idiot doesn't like white chocolate? That bar in itself would have been enough of a delicacy to indulge in at some point in the whole camping trip- but no, then I had happened to see a pack of banana chips. That had led to the bag of Jolly Rancher candy, then the cracker sticks that came in a box with little containers of Nutella, then the tiny crackers with cheese in between.

And of course, apples.

I allow myself to emit an unnecessarily dramatic wail of frustration at my dilemma- a bit too loud probably, I think when my mother peeks out from the doorframe.


"I KNOW, I know I don't need that many snacks, if that's what you're going to tell me. And that's exactly what you were going to tell me."

"If I'd known you'd buy trash and that much of it too I never would have given you the money."

"But you told me to spend it on snacks!? You even said 'it's not often you get to go on outings like these anymore so once won't hurt', remember?"

"I had meant for you to buy other things you might need too, not just food!"

"You- you never said that though."

"Whatever, forget it. It was the last time I'll ever give you money to spend, just know. Actually," she makes her way into the room, taking a seat on Leeseo's sloppily made bed. "I'd wanted to ask you something."

I instinctively tense. The topic is unpredictable, when this sentence is uttered by either of my parents, and can range from asking for help with a translation to an unfair, baseless accusation of drug abuse. "Okay."

"Yeji said San's going."

My heart does a little leap in its cage, the news instantly making whatever trace of bad mood I had vanish into thin air. "Oh."

"She sounded shook, Wooyoung. She told me that the last time San had gone to anything of the likes was two years ago, and it was against his will. Now he actually voiced his desire to go and she's shocked. She believes it's the effect you have on him, and she's really grateful Woo."

"Oh. That's nice, I guess."

"But Wooyoung," her tone drops. "Maybe you really are a good influence on him, according to Yeji. But your father doesn't want you hanging around him anymore."

The little leaps of my heart change their direction.

"...But why?"

"You know the reason. Honestly, I'm pretty disappointed. It turns out San is the complete opposite of who I'd thought he was at first. I found out the other day that he'd beaten up one of the Kims' boys and got him in the hospital. The poor boy will probably not be able to make it out with the rest of his youth group, isn't it sad?"

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