23: "God For A Day" (Wooyoung)

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"I'm pure, I'm pure
I'm pure as a lamb
I'm Heaven's little virgin
Too holy for man
I'm glass, I'm fire
I don't know hate
And that's how I'll get to the pearly gate."
"Pure As A Lamb"- Baby Bugs

TW: Slightly smutty? Yeah.

November 1, 2020. Sunday

Wooyoung POV:

Sundays- that one thing I used to think would never change. The routine, the place, the people.

And it doesn't start off all that different this morning- waking up, the smell of coffee, breakfast, everyone screaming. Jeongyeon couldn't find a hairtie, like usual. Leeseo threw a tantrum because she didn't like the dress Mom picked out for her and Kevin (A/N: I don't know why I forget but yeah Wooyoung has a baby brother in this book) wouldn't stop screaming his lungs out- like usual. At least Dad forgot to turn on that atrocious excuse of a song for once- for which we were all thankful.

Riding in the car, the scenery behind the window now new and unfamiliar, I find myself wondering just how different the church might be from Eden's. Will it be bigger or smaller? More kids and families? Or will it be made up mostly of elders? Do the bathrooms have stalls, or are there only two cramped single rooms like in Eden? Chairs or pews? What's the popular hideout spot for the "unbelievers" who sit out during sermons? Are wedding rings allowed? How many kids does the pastor have?

The people, though, will immediately flock around us like sparrows- of that I can be sure.

Of course there is always a possibility they won't be interested; after all it's just another boring, generic preacher's family. But because I practically grew up in church- my own and traveling around others- I know the church people a bit too well to hope for that. The fact that my family was a hot item back in the days there probably won't help. I can already see the toothless, grinning grandmothers with their faces centimeters from mine as they yell "I remember you when you were in diapers! Oh but my, you've grown so!"

Lord God in Heaven, as much as I love visiting your holy house, I don't think I'll survive this Sunday. (A/N: Why is this younger me trying to convince myself I absolutely love going to church.)

But maybe, just maybe, all is not lost.

I have San.

I know no one in this church besides Choi San- if we don't mention Hongjoong and his friends. And while I'm still a bit iffy about San, at the moment I prefer his company over Hongjoong's- who, truth to be told, only scares me more by the day. The looks he'd send my way in school were all either blank as blank can be or dark in the most unnerving way. I'd heard word going around that apparently, I'd dared to do something that pissed him off immensely- sided with San, for which I noticed a lot of my classmates giving me dirty looks.

Being seen with San, or even associated with him, I learned, is as low as you can go being an Aurora teenager. The next step was becoming like him- it was inevitable, they said. But becoming like him is the last thing I have in mind. Sure, he's the type to be a bad influence, but he's not completely terrible. And I'm spiritually strong enough to resist the temptation to follow in his footsteps, right?

Anyway, that's all besides the point. I am not going to make it through today alone, so Choi San will have to be my distraction for a while. I'll just have to show the people around me I'm not the least bit like him and build my reputation in the meanwhile. Who knows, maybe I might even serve as a godly influence for him, change him for the better, lead him to Christ. Imagine how pleased God would be with me. Imagine the rewards in heaven.

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