10: "Goodbye Yellow Brick Road" (Wooyoung)

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Wooyoung POV:

"So goodbye yellow brick road
Where the dogs of society howl"
     Yellow Brick Road- Elton John

It all still seems so surreal, as I sit on San's bed, fighting an onslaught of unwanted tears. Boys don't cry, I tell myself. Especially not because of something as meaningless as this.

But it's not as meaningless as I'm trying to make it out to be. I've spent my whole life in Eden, if I don't count the one-and-a-half year at the beginning of my life that I spent here.

Everything about Eden was home. The green, luscious pastures; the never-ending cows. The long yellow brick road that started from our house and ended up at the mailbox- a whole five-minute walk. Even Ginny, the neighbors' annoying chihuahua that would knock over the trash cans and trample over Mom's flowers. Its owner, Mrs. Miller, would adamantly defend the dog every time, only to end up in the emergency room from a near-fatal bite repeatedly. The ungrateful little creature.

I couldn't say I'd miss the people in church very much. I've never really been close to any of them. But Yeosang and Changbin? My best friends- the ONLY friends I've ever made that have stayed. Yeosang's adorable baby brother and his older sisters that treated me like
one of their own, always making sure to stuff me with a pastry or some peculiar experimental dish they'd made as soon as I'd come through the door.

The biggest blow had come when Mom had admitted that they'd been planning the move for over a year and this two-week visit wasn't just a visit- it was "to look around the place and see what comes with what." Placing us in school for said two weeks had also been to prepare us, because they'd decided homeschooling was done and over with. And while we had been sitting at school, they had been buying the new house, giving interviews for the new jobs, and meeting up with the pastor from Mom's old church in which were now once again going to be members.

Well, guess who'll be having permanent trust issues now. This had been the last thing I'd expected, something I could never even believe to possible, when I'd picked up that phone call.

"Look on the bright side of things." I stifle a squeal of surprise as San appears literally out of nowhere, gracing me with his ever-annoying presence. To think that soon I'll be seeing him every day for hours back to back does nothing to improve my mood.


"I said, 'look on the bright side of things'. At least with this going on, it seems the big talk about the cigarette incident is out of the question. For now, at least. They'll be too busy to lecture you about it for the next two weeks."

"Yeah, well, my parents are never too busy to let me know I've been a disappointment."

"Oh," for a second something I think I see a look of sympathy carved into the fine lines of his face. "I know what that feels like. When you've messed up bad, and you want to fix it, but before even letting you explain or talk about your side of the story, they already "know" exactly how everything was and of course you're forever the disappointment. They see things from their point of view, and they don't even want to try to see you and what's going on inside your heart and head. They don't care to see, to actually try to find out about how things actually are. They have already edited and published the story the way they wanted to and didn't give credit, although the original author was you.""

He gets it.

But then of course he does. He's always in trouble. And worse trouble than you'll ever be in, Jung Wooyoung, I remind myself. There was absolutely no way I was going to end up like San. A full-time sinner with no sense of regret for the horrible vices in my life.

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