27: Jeong Yunho

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T/W: R*pe (guys I'm so sorry for this again, atp I should delete this book because I feel weird for making the book so centered around this.)

"Wanted," the 5-year-old boy looked up at his teacher, his dark eyes unblinking. "When I grow up, I want to be wanted."

"Why- Yunho! I meant- I meant your career, sweetheart," the young woman's voice faltered, not expecting this kind of answer after hearing "doctor" and "teacher" from practically every one of her kindergarten students.

"You are already wanted and loved so much, my dear."

"To be honest, Miss Schneiderman," the boy stated gravely. "I don't really know what that word means. But my mommy- she told me I'm not wanted, when Gramma came to visit me on my birthday. And, and she said that nobody in this world wants me, not even my daddy."

The young teacher's eyes welled with tears at the words as she gathered the child into a tender hug.

Jeong Yunho- he had always been different from the other children. She'd noticed it from the first day- his sharp, perceptive eyes that pierced through her soul. Those weren't the eyes of a five-year-old, that much was clear. He'd only smiled once, and she'd never heard him laugh. The little boy carried himself with such a grave seriousness it was concerning. Only when he'd talk- which was already rare in itself- would she remember that he's only a small child.

He was abnormally smart too, but never raised his hand, or answered any of the questions- and she knew that he knew all the answers.

Alexa Schneiderman wished she knew more, wished she could protect him from the world.

She knew he'd never open up to her about what goes on beyond the walls of the kindergarten and in his home. She didn't want to pry either, or delve too deep into the Jeongs' family matters- she had no foundation to act on after all.

But Yunho would remember the kind kindergarten teacher for the rest of his life. She was one of the only two people he'd ever let hug him. He hated hugs with all his heart after the day he'd tried to hug his mother and she'd told him that- "you aren't wanted." His grandmother and Miss Schneiderman were the only exceptions- his young mind sensed that they truly cared.

That's what Yunho has starved for his entire life- for someone to truly care.

He'd been born different. Neither a girl nor a boy, undefined. His mother had desperately wanted a daughter, his father had prayed for a son- and in the end they got both and neither, a "freak of nature".

Countless weekly visits to famous doctors with his parents ever since he could remember- that had been his life routine.

The last one they'd talked to, before they'd decided to abandon him, had said, "All you can do about it now, ma'am, is leave him alone. Then, once he's of appropriate age, he himself will choose which part of himself he feels most comfortable identifying with. He can take testosterone, estrogen- since he was born with both ovarian and testicular tissue and has the combination of both the XX and the XY chromosome, the process will work much easier on him than it would on a male or female. He can also get gender reassignment surgery when he's of age.

Gonadal hermaphroditism isn't something to worry about when the child is still small, you know. Honestly I don't understand why you keep treating him as a mistake needing to be fixed. He'll grow up thinking of himself that way and develop an identity crisis."

"How can you talk about it so calmly!?" his mother had snapped. "It's not normal, Doctor. The child's a freak."

His parents had fought in the car then, the whole hour-long ride home. Yunho had understood every word, every indirect insult hurled at him.

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