11: "Prey" (San)

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San POV:

TW: Mentions of past sexual assault

(1 hour earlier):

Fuck Jung Wooyoung.

That bastard.

If it weren't for his family suddenly deciding to move earlier than the appointed time, I could have been on the campout Irene, Seonghwa, Yunho and I had been planning on this day for a week.

But no, the universe isn't on my side today it seems, because instead of spending the rare day off from school out with normal people, I am standing in a dark, dingy bathroom with a toilet plunger, dust and cobwebs in my lungs and that tell-tale itchy sensation in my nose that lets me know there are a bit too many flies around, though I can't see them at the moment.

For some reason whenever there are flies around, my nose itches in a sort of hellish agony that in turn makes my eyes water, which makes my face crawl.

Needless to say, I'm not in the best mood at the moment, but punching someone unfortunately is not an option. So I focus on aggressively cleaning out the toilet, imagining the the plunger is a weapon and the toilet is someone I don't even think I need to mention at this point. Too obvious.

"Whatever did the poor toilet do to you Sannie?"

Speak of the devil and he appears. After not appearing anywhere ever since the infamous Cigarette Incident. Fucking coward.

"Oh it's nothing Kim. Just imagining you're the toilet, nothing much. How have you been?"

"Oh." He raises an eyebrow and goes silent.

Forgive me my guy, but if I truly despise someone, I don't see why I should put in any effort to try to hide it.

I finish with the toilet, moving on to scrub the floors, trying to ignore the fact that Hongjoong's just standing there, doing absolutely nothing. And by the look on his face it doesn't look like he is even planning to lift a finger.

"Look here dude. If you're not going to help then why did you even come here? Everyone else is doing something, hell Yunho's fixing the goddamn roof Hongjoong and that's something with his shitty health."

"You did that didn't you?"

"Enlighten me oh your highness. My patience is shriveling up and slowly dying with each passing second."

"You know."

"No I don't. Tell me."

"Somehow you found out about what I'd told Wooyoung to do. And you moved the pack from your bag to mine, although I'm still not quite sure just how you'd managed to do that without me seeing you. Must've gotten your cousin in on the whole thing."

"Irene didn't do shit. If you need to harass someone so badly, I'm good sport. Don't touch Irene or one of us is going to rot in jail for the rest of eternity. And it won't be me."

"I'm shaking in my boots Choi."

"Yeah you are. Otherwise why would you skip school for so long? You didn't even come to church, and that's totally unlike you. Well, let me answer that for you: because you're a fucking coward. So scared for your reputation."

"Because of YOU San, because you're unable to take a joke, I'm too embarrassed to show my face anywhere. I got grounded by my parents, got my games and books taken away too."

"You sound like a spoiled toddler, you know that? Where's that big bad gangster that threatened to rat me out to my parents and ruin my life huh?"

I instantly wish I had just kept my mouth shut.

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