7: "He's A Scumbag"

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"I take a look up at the sky and I see red
Red for the cancer, red for the wealthy
Red for the drink that's mixed up with suicide
Everything red."
     "King For A Day"- Pierce The Veil

TW: mentions of SA, rage blackout

Wooyoung POV:

  I can't get enough of it.

  I never thought I would like something like this. Church? I loved church but at the same time hated going there because of the cocky kids who only knew me as "the Jung's golden son." It always made me awkward when it came to talking to someone.

  But here? In this school? No one knows me. They're all seeing me for the first time. Sure, maybe they've heard of our family, what with the churches across the states being connected and all (A/N: I grew up in a Slavic conservative church in the US...let me just tell you. There's several churches of those kind in almost each state, and everyone knows each other. People from Hawaii and Alaska will know each other and each other's family secrets, all because of that church system.)

  But not here. Here, I'm not the goody-goody who only has to be an example to anyone. I can actually be friendly with people without them thinking I'm being stuck-up. I'll probably still be on a higher level than they are though. I always am.

  These are the thoughts that run through my head as I follow the  enormous swarm of students to the lunchroom. I wonder if I could sit with someone? Or will I just sit alone?

  Turns out I don't have to think about it too much, because after I load my tray with food (which is food my mom would never let us eat home, like pizza or chips), I see a hand wave over to me from one of the center tables.

  And yes, the hand belongs to Kim Hongjoong, the guy who sat in front of me during the previous classes. We make eye contact and he grins, continuing to wave and motion for me to sit at his table.

  I smile to myself and walk over to him. This is great. He seems like such a nice guy, honestly. Totally my vibe.

"Heyyy man. Wooyoung, right?"

  "Um, yeah. Wooyoung. And you're Hongjoong?"

  "Yep," he beams and I can't help but smile at him. His aura is contagious.

  A loud cling sounds as I see two more trays of food being put down beside Hongjoong's. I look up to see two more kids I don't remember seeing in class- a tall, handsome guy with glasses and a pretty girl who somehow reminded me of the principal I saw earlier today. Don't get me wrong, the principal wasn't good-looking. But this girl has something similar to him. Behind them is a tall, quiet boy with a pretty, soft-looking face and big doe eyes. He instantly reminds me of Yeosang. Wooyoung, not now. Be in the moment.

  "Oh, Woo, this is Song Mingi, my nephew." The tall boy with the glasses scrunches up his nose as the word "nephew" leaves Hongjoong's mouth. I giggle.

  "Yep, my older brother's kid," Hongjoong continues. "And this beautiful lady is Kim Jisoo, the class vice-president and the principle's daughter by the way."

  "Joong, you just always gotta mention that huh. Anyways, hey Wooyoung. You're here for two weeks, right? It's not much but I hope you'll have a great time. And if you need anything, ask us."

  "Yeah, ask us," Mingi chimes in, mouth full of cheese pizza.

  My cheeks are beginning to hurt from smiling, but I can't help it. Seems I've found me some friends. "Thanks guys, really."

"No problemo, Wooyoung," Hongjoong pats my back. "You're cool, man. Oh, and this one," he turns back to the quiet boy who's still standing there, eyes running around the room anxiously. "Forgot about him for a moment. He's Jeong Yunho. He's not that important."

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