30: "The Footsteps Fade (and so does God)" (Wooyoung)

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T/w: physical abuse, mentions of suicide attempt

I was too young to notice
That some types of love could be bad.
       "Hard Times"- Ethel Cain

Friday. November 15, 2020

Ugh another all-over-the place messy filler chapter fuck this

Wooyoung POV:

For the past week, Aurora Christian High has been abuzz with an electricity unlike any I'd seen in it yet.

The reason?

A stupid hike and overnight camping/fishing trip organized by the church for the youth group in honor of the group's pastor's birthday.

These kinds of things were a regular occurrence in Washington. The church was big on sermons in nature and bi-weekly one-day camping trips in the woods. It was something I'd grown up on. Here, however, it appears to be something rather special.

"I don't get the hype," Irene grumbles as the four of us head to the last class of the day. "A three-hour drive and then an hour-long hike to some god forsaken lake to have a church service over a campfire and then go to sleep in tiny fucking tents in groups of four and get eaten alive by bugs. Hell, we won't even be able to shower after all that. And then wake up at ass crack of dawn to another church service, then hike that same hour back to the vans half-asleep, no breakfast no nothing. What's the charming point I'm missing here!?"

"I usually agree with whatever you say, but not gonna lie I'd say that actually sounds kinda fun," Seonghwa counters. "I'm not a huge nature freak either but hey, I'd do it for the Instagram posts. Imagine all the amazing shots you could get out there."

"Well yeah but...how about the fact that friends and relatives of the opposite sex sleeping in one tent is completely out of the question!? There isn't a single girl in that church that doesn't have some sort of problem with me. They all hate my guts."

"Hey I agree with Hwa," Ten shrugs. "I'm cooped up in the house all day after school anyway. You're lucky to have the opportunity."

"Well since you seem to like the idea of it so much then how about you come with us?" Irene brightens up at her own proposal. "The church is always open to us bringing along 'guests.' "

"To convert them?"

"Well- yes, but of course you don't have to. Just pretend you're listening to whatever bullshit they're spewing and you should be fine. You'll get dirty looks from some assholes who can't help their asshole-ry to themselves, but just keep yourself in check and you should be fine. C'mon, pleeaseee. Or else I'll be stuck with Wooyoung. No offense, Woo, but I just don't know you that well and I don't feel like we vibe."

"The feeling is mutual."

"Speaking of it, you haven't been to any youth group gatherings yet Wooyoung, right? Wait- do you even know there's a youth group!?"


"Of course you didn't. You only ever speak to San and he doesn't even go to church anymore. He wouldn't have told you."

"I mean, I assumed there must be one, but no one really told me anything about it."

"That's why you have to ask around dumbo. Well then, it's settled. You're coming, Hwa and Ten are coming too."

"Only on one condition," Seonghwa grimaces. "That I'll be allowed to sneak off once the religious bull starts."

"Oh don't worry about that. I'll arrange it to make it look like you didn't feel well, easy."

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