14: "Butterflies Of Hellfire" (Wooyoung)

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"Nervous, trip over my words
You're so pretty it hurts."
-Isabel LaRosa

TW: Mentions of eating disorder

Wooyoung POV:

I had promised myself numerous times not to spend any more time with Choi San, or anyone like him for that matter, unless completely necessary.

Yet here I am, and I've been waiting for the others in San's driveway for twenty minutes now. Turns out he lives on the next street; we're basically neighbors. Jung Wooyoung can never have anything good in life.

I don't know what to expect. For the first time in my life, my parents have allowed me to go out without them, and it feels like I'm doing something I shouldn't, like I'm somewhere I'm not supposed to be. And I'm afraid that, with San, it might become just that. I wouldn't be surprised if he decided to turn this into a bar visit or drag us to some perverted party. His cousin doesn't seem to be any better, and Yunho seems to follow along with whatever the two do. So what do I do if this turns into something it shouldn't?

"You look paranoid Jung. Like there's someone out to get you."

He's wearing a tight black knitted sweater with a low neckline and his usual black jeans (when will he ever NOT be in black?), his hair long and a bit shaggy as usual, yet something looks different. His eyelids are a smokey blue, his feline eyes outlined in a sharp black. His lips are tinted a glossy pink that sparkles prettily under the street lights.

"Are you- are you wearing makeup?"


"Yeah. Yes. BIG problem."

"The way I already know exactly what you're going to say though."

"Makeup is for girls."

"Hm I was right."

"Ok no. Ew. Makeup is for GIRLS, San, get that through your thick head.. Boys don't wear makeup, that's just- it's weird, it's gross, it's just so wrong. Just what is the problem with you? Just how mentally ill are you?"

"Good question. Now let me ask you one- why do you care? How the fuck does this affect your personal life? Did someone die because of this? Did the population of our country get wiped out? Did Ken leave Barbie? No. So it's really not that deep Karen."

"I'm Wooyoung. And that's against the Bible."

"Ok you know what it's funny because if people had a bio written on their foreheads that's what yours would be- 'I'm WoOyOung aNd thAt'S AgAinSt thE BibLe'. Tell me then. Give me one verse that says that makeup can be worn exclusively by women. Come on"

"I- No- Wait-"

"See? You can't. I've read that book too Wooyoung, more than once. I would know."

"Well it's still wrong."

"Ugh forget it. Where the fuck is Irene? It was six o'clock five minutes ago. I mean she's always late to school, but never late for these kinds of things." He mutters to himself while typing something rapidly on his phone, and I use the chance to sneak a quick glance at him.

Wrong or not, I have never seen eye shadow look that good on a person. The eyeliner just makes his eyes look even sharper than they already are. And his lips- the way the rosy gloss glitters so tantalizingly when he opens his mouth slightly to dart his tongue across them. The way the sweater hugs his slim frame so tightly it looks like a second skin.

My gaze travels to his neck, and he has freckles on it- the smattering like a galaxy of little golden stars, faded on his pale skin like pixie dust. And then, I don't know why, but I find myself staring at his collarbones- just the way the structure of them looks so temptingly smooth makes me want to run my hands over them slowly, to feel. I wonder what it would feel like to have my lips pressed against them.

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