Not an update #2

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I had promised myself to update soon.

But unfortunately some "stuff" came up, aka typical stuff that happens to Wattpad writers (always some fucked up shit). It involved getting in major trouble with my parents and people at my parents' church (over the most trivial shit, mind you), having to temporarily leave home because of it, and more. My mental state was fucked up and I just couldn't bring myself to write.

But now that things have settled down somewhat, I'll start updating on a more regular basis because the ideas are overflowing and the plot and storyline has changed for the better. Still nowhere near as good as those mafia au's on AO3 but it will have to do. (I've just stayed up all night binge-reading "Poison Or Medicine" and I have never felt so talentless at writing in my life).

Without further ado, here comes whatever the next few chapters are supposed to be.

(Also send help Jun's been bias-wrecking me too hard ever since "Psycho" came out.)

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