20: "The Creature" (Wooyoung)

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T/W: mentions of r*pe

"I just wanted to protect you
But now I'll never get to."
    ilomilo- Billie Eilish

Wooyoung POV:

October 29, 2020

It had taken two weeks instead of the one San's promised. They've flown by in the blink of an eye, much faster than I'd expected time to pass while lying practically immobile in a hospital bed.

I'd found myself looking forward to the time of day when San would either stroll at a turtle's pace or Naruto-run (there was no in-between, I'd learned) through the door of the hospital room after school, his backpack bouncing rhythmically between the slopes of his shoulders (who wore their backpack in the front anyway?). His face blank as usual, save for the the tiny raise of the corner of his lips, never failing to put me at ease.

Before my parents had come the day I woke up, he'd showed me pictures of the two new classmates that had arrived the day of my accident and told me all sorts of crazy stories about his history with them (one's name was Ten, the other's I just couldn't understand no matter how often he'd say it) and childhood mishaps with his cousin. After that, he'd arrived with a huge photo album half his own size and we'd spent hours laughing and joking over the ridiculous photographs. At the point of San's life where he was supposed to be in eighth grade, however, there were no more photos. And he wouldn't explain why no matter how hard I'd badger him.

The rest of the days passed by in a blur, not one of them the same. San did anything he could to make sure wouldn't get bored, and he tried so hard it almost hurt. A Disney coloring book contest, Uno, Monopoly, a complex Lego set that almost had me spilling tears of frustration five minutes after starting, a chess board; he'd even played violin for me, but that didn't last long because, well, we were in a hospital. He was talented though, and far more than I was, that I had to admit.

It had taken a lot of courage, a few tears, and a lot of awkward shoulder patting from San for me to finally gather the courage to dial Yeosang's number on the hospital phone the day before my discharge. But I'd done it.

And when Yeosang had answered, I'd broken down right then and right there before even being able to utter a single word. On the other end of the line he'd started crying as well, Changbin's yells of "What's wrong Yeo?" faint in the distance.

No words had needed to be said- Yeosang understood and he forgave. That was the thing about Yeosang; no matter how badly someone would hurt him, he would always end up forgiving them, though not letting them back into his own life was a different story. He was guarded enough as it is; I was just lucky.

By the time I'd left the hospital, I was feeling happier than I'd felt in some time, though for the life of me I couldn't understand why that was. It felt like I'd just taken a long rest from my own world, something I'd never even known I need time away from.

Well, now I know, and now I regret telling the doctor I was ready to leave.

"Mommmmm Wooyoung left his crutches in the middle of the hall AGAIN."


"Ok ok I picked them up."

"Can't you move any faster than that?" Jeongyeon snaps, toothbrush in hand, blocking the entrance to the bathroom.

"No, not really. I'm literally damaged goods at the moment, if you can't see that. A little sympathy would be nice."

"A little sYmpAthY would bE nOicE," she mimicks in a high-pitched tembre. "What are you, a Victorian pauper or something?"

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