28: "Angels Don't Cry" (Wooyoung)

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"What would it feel like
To put this baggage down?
If I'm being honest
I'm not sure I'd know how"
Atlas: Six- Sleeping At Last

Wooyoung POV:

"San NO- You're being stupid-"

"Leave me the fuck alone! I can do whatever I want-"

"I'd disagree. You can't climb the gates and barge into the school in the heat of day-"

"Oh yes I can. I am absolutely, fully capable."

"I don't doubt that you're capable San, but you've been banned off school grounds..."

"And? So? Hongjoong gets to go around forcing himself on students and traumatizing them and no one bats an eye, but I'm banned off school grounds for trying to do something about that. Did you even hear what Yunho told us? It's unfair Jung."

"I get it, I really do San." I sigh, running a hand through my hair. Trying to reason with an angry person had never been my forté. "But what are you going to do about it right now? You'll climb the gates in view of all the school cameras and barge in through the -locked- school
Perhaps you'd have to break a window. That will also be caught on camera. I know you don't care about your reputation, and in situations like these it's an admirable trait but if Hongjoong really did all that San, then it's pretty obvious how this is going to end. Once again you'll end up the villain with even more dirt on your name than before, and Hongjoong will come out of the fire victorious and unscathed as he does every time. And who's that going to benefit, San? Not you, and definitely not Yunho.

And besides, school has been out for two hours now. Hongjoong isn't even here. What are you going to do- vandalise his locker? Spray paint his desk? Mess with his grades? You're a man, San. Act like one."


"I know it's probably another one of those sayings you hate, but let's try to use logic here for a bit okay? Real men act on logic."

I watch as his chest deflates and shoulders slump in defeat, surrendering. Surrendering to the bitter realization that at the moment, there is nothing he can do to help his friend, nothing he can do to pour his rage out against his assaulter.

"Since when are you the smart one around here?" he mutters under his breath, finally retreating his hand from the black metal gates he was just about to scale.

"I'm not 'smart', San. I get good grades, but I get A- sometimes and you never do. I don't know about politics or justice or philosophy the way you do. You've been playing violin for longer than I have. The only things I can do better than you is knowing the Bible and having common sense."

"You're right though. Being logical is the hottest thing a man can do."


"Attractive. Like, attractive attractive."


"Yeah. You really should get going you know. Your parents are probably blowing up my phone right now."

"Ohh- oh right you got it taken away- what about the burner phone?"

He shakes his head. "Got that taken away last night as well."

"Well crap. Okay, um, I really do need to get home and you do too but I'm not so sure if letting you go alone is such a good idea right now."

He cocks his head to the side questioningly. "Why not?"

"Oh I don't know San, maybe because I had to watch you closely in the bus to make sure you don't punch a window or open the doors while it's still moving. Or perhaps because you were just about to break into a school. You think about it."

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